Professor Cornelis Joost Van Rijsbergen
Autor: jessicaalba • September 18, 2011 • Essay • 608 Words (3 Pages) • 1,601 Views
Professor Cornelis Joost van Rijsbergen
C.J. van Rijsbergen was born in Rotterdam, Holland in 1943.
He was educated in Holland, Indonesia, Namibia and Australia.
He took a degree in mathematics at the University of Western Australia. As a graduate he spent two years tutoring in mathematics while studying computer science.
In 1972 he completed a Ph.D. in computer science at Cambridge University.
After almost three years of lecturing in information retrieval and artificial intelligence at Monash University, he returned to the Cambridge Computer Laboratory to hold a Royal Society Information Research Fellowship.
1980 - Chair of computer science at University College of Dublin.
1986 - Professor and leader of the Information Retrieval Group, in the Department of Computing Science, Glasgow University.
Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Royal Society of Edinburgh, IEE, BCS, and ACM.
1993 - Editor-in-Chief of The Computer Journal, an appointment he held until 2000.
Associate editor of Information Processing and Management, on the editorial board of Information Retrieval, and on the advisory board of the Journal of Web Semantics.
Programme committee member and editorial board member of the major IR conferences and journals.
2003 - Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery.
Since 2007 he is Chairman of the Scientific Board of the Information Retrieval Facility.
He is the author of a well-known book Information Retrieval, Butterworths, 1979. In 1999, together with Crestani and Lalmas,he published a book entitled "Information Retrieval: Uncertainty and Logics". His most recent book is The Geometry of Information Retrieval, CUP, 2004.
Others works:-
i. Foundations of evaluation. Journal of Documentation, 30:365--373, 1974.
ii. The science of information retrieval: its methodology and logic. In Conferentie Informatiewetenschap in Nederland,, pages 21 -- 38, Den Haag, 1990. RABIN.
iii. What is information anyway? In Proceedings of the Joint International Computers Ltd., Newcastle, 1993. University of Newcastle Seminar.
iv. The state of information retrieval: logic and information. The Computer Bulletin,