Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma
Autor: tlerch028 • September 6, 2012 • Case Study • 1,847 Words (8 Pages) • 2,157 Views
Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma
Final Paper 6-2
Prior to this course, in my mind, ethics was a duty that we each had at the workplace of doing what is morally right. It was just a term more or less that identified how we must conduct ourselves while at work. Ethics was simply pages 5-10 in my employee handbook, a handbook that rested nicely on my desk and served as a coaster for my coffee. Needless to say I had a lot to learn and throughout the past month and half I did just that.
I feel that this course opened up my eyes not only as a co-worker or an employee, but also as a responsible individual. Ethics isn’t just something that must be practiced from 8AM-5PM at work. A morally sound individual is someone who practices responsible ethics throughout their lifetime. This is why I feel that this course is so important for every potential business student to attend.
Hosmer states in his article that the apparent scandals that happened on Wall Street are clear indications that ethics must be an integral part of a students learning. Even though a student probably has the moral values and standards set that they will live at that point (Hosmer 1988). It is crucial to educate students such as myself as a refresher or an eye opener to the dangers of poor ethical standards.
What I became aware of were the other aspects of ethics such as international business ethics and the repercussions mishaps overseas can cause companies (Asgary & Mitschow 2002). In my previous reflection paper I covered the dilemma Apple faced with the labor laws that they broke over in China. While Apple claimed this wasn’t there intention and they had no idea these children were working in sweatshops essentially it is still their responsibility to monitor issues such as those in their foreign markets (Moore).
The environment is another major ethical dilemma that many companies face. While our country is finally focusing on ways to protect our environment companies must evolve as well. There are many areas that companies must ensure that they are being ethically responsible not just in regular office environments.
The concept that was most educational would have to be the 8 steps to decision making (Trevino & Nelson 2007). These 8 steps are so useful with every decision we make. If everyone could take the time to follow these eight steps every time a decision must be made it would be amazing to see the results compared to quick, thoughtless decisions that many times lead to bad results.
The first step alone of gathering the facts is so important in any decision. How many times do we make decisions and then