Decision Making Process
Autor: fireguy3100 • December 9, 2012 • Essay • 375 Words (2 Pages) • 1,749 Views
The decision that I will be going through is when I moved across the state with my husband to the coast. After my husband took me to his hometown to meet his parents and to show me his hometown I fell in love with the small town atmosphere and being by the ocean which is something I have always dreamed of. After returning home from our visit I talked to my husband and asked him if he would like to move back and that I would move with him if he did. We talked about moving and we both agreed that we would move. We had to decide when to move, stepping down from our current jobs, what is the job market there and can we both find work. Also we had to consider where we would live when we got there.
The first thing is we decided to move to the coast, now the next step was to look for work. My husband was able to find a job very quickly in the same field he was in before we moved. I was not able to find a job right away but we decided to go forward with the move with only one of us working. Now that work has been found we turned to looking for a place to live. We were able to find a small one bedroom cottage that was available; we then secured the cottage and both turned in our notice to our current jobs. This move was over 400 miles so we decided to use a U Haul in order to move all of our things.
After looking at the decision process in the book I found that I did not always follow the order of the decision process. I was jumping around and did not always look for an alternate plans in case something did mot workout the way it was planned.
My decision to move would not be any different using the decision process outlined in the book. By using the process in the text would have made some of the decisions much easier and would keep me more organized on this new adventure.