Examine the Factors That Affect Success in a Multicultural Workplace
Autor: gastritis • June 19, 2011 • Research Paper • 538 Words (3 Pages) • 2,778 Views
Nowadays working environment is become more and more diverse. The sharply changing in American workforce in 1980s. For the first time in history, white males were the minority in American work force, and the majority of labor change to minorities and women (Copeland, 1988) . For managers, the new challenges presented. The employees is also facing new problems. This article reports the results of a study on the factors affect success in the multicultural workplace. Similar phenomenon in Australia, the culture around the above problems. Management a multicultural working group has become important. Participate in human resources management (Chang and Tharenou, 2004) .
The managers would change the roles in the multicultural workplace, in these new roles managers need to actively managed inevitable group conflict. Hoping the source of conflict and its reason, they may using the conflict to generate new ideas and the best solution (Appelbaum, Shapiro and Elbaz 1988).
The factors which most affect success in multicultural workplace respectively are: communication, conflict, equality, training and learning.
Nowadays, many workplaces are transformed into the field of multi-cultural interactions with local organizations staff on a daily basis. Therefore, this point becomes more and more important to understand the importance of cultural diversity in the organization work-outcomes (Oerlemans and Peeter, 2010) .
In the multicultural workplace. Cross-cultural communication is very important factor which most affect success. Most managers and subordinates says, listen careful is very important. Subordinate want manager really know their needs, the managers want to know more about their subordinates (Chang and Tharenou, 2004) . Use clear communication and expression to their subordinates from other