Individual Reflection: Creativity, Leadership, and Innovation Case
Autor: Constance Lima-gonzalez • September 14, 2015 • Research Paper • 895 Words (4 Pages) • 1,655 Views
Individual Reflection: Creativity, Leadership, and Innovation
Constance F. Lima-Gonzalez
WMBA 6020
August 16, 2015
M. Aubry
Individual Reflection: Creativity, Leadership, and Innovation
I would like to begin by saying that the one person who is very important and have always been an inspiration for me to keep moving forward. The first would be the man I have shared thirty years of my life with, and that is my husband. He is my rock, and without his encouragement to pursue my goals, I would not have gotten as far as I did. Having people behind you in your decisions is important
Part 1
Although I am not currently employed, I have always envisioned myself as the type of leader who motivates, inspires, providing honest feedback, projecting optimism, and have a strong customer focus.
My husband’s characteristics are; risk taking, visionary, inspiring, motivational, and will never throw anyone under the bus. He opened his own business because it was something he always wanted to do and so he did it. He started from nothing, and little by little, in just four weeks, he was open for business. He created the menu of his own, decided what kind of food to sell based on what the customers would want. He inspired me to create a unique name, something that would set us apart from other restaurants. His leadership skills include the vision of having the best food and customer service by providing fresh foods, including all fresh vegetables, vegetarian menus, and providing the customer with whatever they wanted. He has a high self-esteem, and is very optimistic, and those two skills are what made the restaurant succeed. He received many five star ratings in both food and customer service from customers on
As far as stakeholders go, he always included employees and customers in any of his ideas, and valued their opinions. He would just talk to them about what they thought of ideas he had, and always asked customers what they would like to see on the menu.
Leader Characteristics Inventory
This inventory tool will help you to identify and describe characteristics of leaders that inspire innovation. You will use this form for your self-assessment part of the Week 7 Individual Reflection. Consider the characteristics of leadership that foster a creative environment and identify them in the left column. Use the right column to add a brief definition of the characteristic and an example of how it has been or is being exhibited by the chosen leader.
Leader Characteristic (Add characteristics you wish to develop in yourself.) | Description and Example of Characteristic (In this column, briefly explain the characteristic and provide an example of how it was or is being exhibited by the chosen leader.) |
Part 2
WMBA 6020: Fostering a Culture of Innovation
Week 7 Individual Reflection: Creativity, Leadership, and Innovation: A Self-Assessment
Leader Characteristics Inventory
This inventory tool will help you to identify and describe characteristics of leaders that inspire innovation. You will use this form for your self-assessment part of the Week 7 Individual Reflection. Consider the characteristics of leadership that foster a creative environment and identify them in the left column. Use the right column to add a brief definition of the characteristic and an example of how it has been or is being exhibited by the chosen leader.