Postgraduate Certificate Mba Programme
Autor: Antonio • April 3, 2011 • Essay • 719 Words (3 Pages) • 1,712 Views
‘Managing People and Organisations' next assessment
For this assessment, you are to produce one (1) essay. The essay is to be 3,000 words. You are required to submit one copy of the essay in a binder or folder. A soft copy (i.e. on disk) is not required.
This piece of resit work is an individual 3,000 word (maximum) written assessment, which is weighted at 100% of the final module mark, though it is expected that some additional work may need to be included in the Appendices of the assignment.
The hand in date is Friday 8th April 2011 at 12.00 pm, at the Postgraduate office on the fifth floor of Galton building. You may hand in this assessment before this date.
When writing the essay, ensure that:
Your work is double lined spaced and no bullet points have been used.
The work is referenced in Harvard style, and a References page has been included (a free leaflet is available in the library).
Guidance can be sought by speaking to your lecturer (Dave Smith, Dr. Martyn Brown, Dr. Richard Knight or Dr. Steve McCabe) if there are any areas of confusion.
The word limit is for your coursework assignment, and it does not cover material which is submitted as an appendix. Material submitted as an appendix provides background to your coursework, but it will not be marked as part of your answer unless specified in the brief. Also, it is important that you cross-refer between the main text of your assignment and any appendices, in order to demonstrate the linkage, and that the Appendices do not constitute additional material unrelated to that included in the body of your assignment. If you do not refer to this work in the Appendix, then this included work in the Appendices are not marked.
Your References page will not be included in the word count, but where you quote within the assignment (e.g. Smith & Jones identified that …) will be included in the word count.
Since your work is submitted in hard copy format, you are required to declare the number of words in your assignment. Your work will not be marked without this declaration. A random number of courseworks will be selected to check for adherence to the word limit.
If you produce less than or exceed the word limit by up to 10%, no action will be taken, though you may receive adverse feedback. If you produce less than or exceed the stipulated word count by more than 10%, a deduction of the mark awarded will be made to reflect that you have not met the assessment requirements.
Essay (max. 3,000 words):
"Contemporary literature suggests that effective team working is essential