Questionnaire_retailing 28102015
Autor: yyygemini • February 25, 2016 • Study Guide • 1,891 Words (8 Pages) • 708 Views
Dear respondents, I am doing a research project as part of my retailing exercise. Please spare a few minutes of your time to answer this questionnaire. (Just tick-√-in the box). Your valued profiles will be kept confidential and will be utilized for my research purpose only. Thank you.
GROUP LEADER’S (NAME/SIGNATURE)_________________/_____________________
- Gender
Male | Female |
- Age
19 and under | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60 and above |
- Education
Primary | Secondary | Matriculation /Pre-University /A- Level / Diploma | Degree/ under graduate Level | Post graduate Level (master & Ph D) |
Student | Executive/ Managerial Level | Professional/Doctor/ Lawyer/ Engineer/ Accountant | Self employed/ business owner | Farmer | Housewife | Others (employed) |
- Occupation. If others, please state ________________
- Marital status
Single | Married | Divorced | Separated | Widow/ Widower | Others |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 & above | Not applicable |
- Number of children
- Race/ethnic origin[pic 1]
- Your income/salary status /allowance
< MR 1,000 | MR 1,000-1,500 | MR 1,501-2,000 | MR 2,001-2,500 | MR 2,501 3,000 |
MR 3,001-3,500 | MR 3,501 4,000 | MR 4,001-4,500 | MR 4,501 5,000 | MR 5,001-5,500 |
MR 5,501 6,000 | MR 6,001-6,500 | MR 6,501 7,000 | MR 7,001-7,500 | > MR 7500 |
- Location of residence/house address/postal code _________________
- Tick either one box
City /urban area | Town /district |
- Name of city/town/district/____________________
- How frequent do you shop in your supermarket/store?
Once a week | Twice a week | 3 times a week | 4 times a week | 5 times a week | More than 5 times a week |
- You prefer to buy your daily goods in any of these local outlets rather than in your normal supermarket/store? You may tick more than one (1).
1.Fish market | 2.Fruit and vegetable market | 3.meat market | 4.Others |
Please specify ‘other’, if applicable_______________
- Do you access your supermarket/store through the internet?
1 always | 2 sometimes | 3 never | 4 considering |
- Do you purchase merchandise from your supermarket/store through the internet?
1 always | 2 sometimes | 3 never | 4 considering |
- How do you access your supermarket/store? .
1 walk | 2 car | 3 public transport | 4 other |
Please specify ‘other’, if applicable _______________
- Do you think that parking facilities at your most frequented supermarket/store are adequate?
1 adequate | 2 no facilities | 3 do not find facilities adequate | 4 better facilities at another store | 5 not applicable |