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Reflection Report on the Competition Game

Autor:   •  January 13, 2017  •  Coursework  •  1,030 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,092 Views

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Group 3 Reflection report on the comepetition game :

GAME A Refelction : (Sealed Bids Game )

[pic 1][pic 2]

GAME A results analysis : (Check the figuer to the right side)

  • Group 3 (Uniform ) and Grpup 4 (Sanafir) won the whole market share with equal share(30 Uniform each).Both of them won this game because they have the least loss.
  • Group 1 ( ROHM) quoated for Price 2 L.E.Apparently, this is the lowest price with positive profits in case they got the whole market share and got the prize as well. So, They it seems they are less risk taker and assumed no one will go with lower prices than this.
  • Group 2 (Winners) is very conservative and less risk taker as they quoated for 6 L.E.They assumed the lowest price at which the loss is minimum considering their fixed and     varaible cost in case they got full market share(Loss= -60 before winning the price in case they won).

On the strategic side: Group 1 and Group 2 are very conservative and less risk taker. While, the other two groups are assuming risky decisions and tend to have a strategic relation with the government for future bids. Likewise, the winning company shall benefit from the dominating market perceived in potential future opportunities.

On the What- if analysis side: if Group 4 went for any price higher than 1 L.E, Group 3 shall win the whole market share and  the net profit will be 140 L.E turning the 50 % market share losses(-80 L.E) into profit.

On the lesson learned side: based on the company goal, the strategy is outlining what the actions the firms shall assume. Either to leave the market where no added values and return on investment is not matching the company targets, Or expand in new potential markets.

GAME B: Price or Exit Game (Selective Bids Game)

[pic 3]

[pic 4]                                                                                                                                             

GAME B results analysis : (Check the figuer to the right side)

  • Group 2 (Winners) Won the Game as they decided to leave the market and get 400 L.E in return of assest liquidation .
  • Group 1 ( ROHM) and Group 3(Uniform) quoated for Price 1 L.E. they got equal market share and losses of 300 L.E. Apparently, Group 3 maintained the same risk taking direction within the market. while ,Group 1 changed their startgey from a conservative  state to a more risky startgey.In Contrast, Group 4(SANAFIR) became more conservative and went for 2 L.E for this game and did not maintain the eariler startegy.

On the strategic side: Group 2 still following the same conservative strategy and decided to Exit the market. This is may be due to they are not confident with the market or themselves and not willing to assume risky actions. In comparison with GAME A: Group 1 and Group 4 changed their strategy during this Game. Finally, Our Group (Uniform) maintains the same strategy and is feeling more confident to continue in the market taking challenging decisions.


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