Report Case
Autor: jiangjuan • May 4, 2012 • Essay • 478 Words (2 Pages) • 1,645 Views
pluralistic population consists of about 80 percent Hindus , 12 percent Muslims , and 8 percent
members of other ethnic groups. Among the Hindus, the oft -quoted caste system plays only a small
role in business. The business culture can be quite diverse and regional style diff erences may be
signifi cant. While Southern Indian companies, especially those around Bangalore and Hyderabad ,
tend to be progressive in some ways, southern Indians are oft en more sober and conservative than
the more extroverted Northerners. Another factor that infl uences styles is whether people work in
the government or traditional manufacturing sectors, versus the more fl exible and faster-moving
technology and service sectors. Business practices may sometimes diff er from what we describe in
this section.
Outside of the country’s business centers, such as Bangalore, Chennai , Hyderabad, Mumbai , New
Delhi , or Kolkatt a , businesspeople and offi cials in India usually have only limited exposure to other
cultures. When negotiating business here, realize that people may expect things to be done ‘their
Most Indians are proud of their country’s progress, its achievements, and its dynamism. Your partners
would like to see you acknowledge and respect this.
Relationships and Respect
India’s culture is generally group-oriented. Asserting individual preferences may be seen as less
important than having a sense of belonging to a group, conforming to its norms, and maintaining
harmony among its members. Building lasting and trusting personal relationships is therefore very