Zipcar: A Sophisticated Form of Car Sharing
Autor: tonfffff • February 6, 2016 • Course Note • 365 Words (2 Pages) • 1,159 Views
-Zipcar: a sophisticated form of car sharing
- In 2000, 12 cars in June. In October, 19 cars and 250 members.
-In 1999, Danielson got idea about car sharing in Berlin. Car sharing provides short term, on-demand use of private cars conveniently located and easily accessible to service subscribers. Convenience and cost saving. Environmentally friendly (eliminate the need for approximately 7.5 individually owned car)
-members reserved the closest available car
-competitor: communauto in Quebec City. Portland-based and seatlle-based flexcar➔ focus on environmental impact of car sharing rather on convenience and cost effectiveness. Also traditional car rental agencies and car manufacturers.
-postcard, 44一天合算。Ad吸引人
-reserved online or use phone. Reserved few months ago or immediately
-customers need to refuel but reimbursement. Fine for late return
-Boston: expensive and insufficient off-street parking .Good people resource
-technology platform is important.
-convey friendliness, convenience, ease of use, affordability and social value
-investor is anxious about their qualification➔lack of car expertise, perceived inexperience at running complex operation
-technological, people, car, variable cost, overhead. Parking fee. Free parking. lease cost, more cars more risk.
-general revenue increase 50%: unchanged: per mile charge security doposite, interest rate.300/yr➔75.人们会高兴,但没有亏损。
-variable, 1999 may 2000 sep 2000
Lease increase 400, parking cost increase 150, fuel cost 1080-increase, not slightly increase, acess parking(reason why cost increase that much). Lease cost increase 4000 to 4400. Fixed cost unchanged
做人要实际一点不能太乐观预测, no experience, free parking. Change price model immediately. Make price model more appealing(从customer need里面说).
Target in Boston, goal for all America, recommend.