Out of the Blue
Autor: hoahud • May 4, 2014 • Essay • 385 Words (2 Pages) • 1,103 Views
The flashbacks that David has also express the emotional dysfunctions that he suffers from. When he is in his dark gloomy house, he imagines policemen walking around in his house like they were searching for something, this shows how twisted David’s mind is because he makes it to be as if it was really happening not just as a memory, but as if he was reliving that memory. We also see how twisted his mind is when he is biking home and the school bus full of infants drive past. As the bus passes by David hears laughs and comments towards him from the little kids on the bus, this pissed David off and it was one of the first signs in the film that indicated to us the audience that David was mental.
When David feels as if he has been treated unfairly that is when he turns to psychotic behaviour. The scene when David is at the bank he feels hard done by, he lashes out at the women at counter because he asked to pay a small fee of two dollars to make his deposit, this pissed David right off because he is a local banker here and he has never had to pay any kind of fee, he thinks that the cashier is treating him unfairly as if he was the only one who had to pay the fee, this explores the raw emotions that David suffers from. When David is finally caught and gunned down you could still say that he was treated as an animal, his actions were unforgivable but he suffered just as much pain living his life unnoticed, like a shadow on the wall, so for them to gun him down, bind his arms and legs together and leave him there to flop around like a dying eel was harsh and cruel and that kind of act could be some of the reasons why David turned out the way he was.
As the film goes on his level of psychiatric behaviour grows along with his character, from lashing out in a small bank to shooting a man because of his kids playing on his property, to killing 12 more the film takes on a journey that explores the life of David Gray a man, a killer, a dead man.