Reflection Case
Autor: antoni • November 28, 2011 • Case Study • 363 Words (2 Pages) • 2,162 Views
The strongest piece of our lesson would probably be our hand out because I thought that it really showed a good summary of our project. I also think that it was the strongest part of our lesson because everybody participated and everybody enjoyed making up his or her own situation. I would say that the weakest part of our presentation would be us actually presenting. I say this because we mostly just read the power point presentation, we didn't explain more about suspense and foreshadowing. If we got another chance to present, I would just write bullet points and then explain what they actually are. Also I would explain more about our video. We sort of just said here is a good example of suspense and foreshadowing. After the video I would say this was a good example because…
In my contribution to the group, I found two of our examples for the author's craft and helped edit and create the power point presentation. To help contribute to the group more, I could have helped more on the handout and help make more of the power point slides. If I had another chance to redo our project, I would definitely make more of the presentation and help out on making the handout.
In our group, Sabine made most of the power point presentation and jenny made the handout. I think that the person in our group that contributed the most was jenny because she made the whole hand out and made some of the presentation. She also found one of the examples for the author's craft. I think that I contributed the least in the group because I definitely could have done more for the group. Everybody else did a major part of the project and I just helped out in all it and gave edited the handout and power point and put in my suggestions. To make my group work better together, I could have encouraged them more when we were arguing and contributed more. For the next project, I will definitely put my part in the project more and make sure that I do more