Crime Scene Investigations
Autor: JamiC94 • April 28, 2013 • Essay • 1,054 Words (5 Pages) • 2,171 Views
Crime Scene Investigations
As a little girl I always wondered what it would be like to report to an actual crime scene. I mean seriously being able to report to a crime scene and actually have the experience to be a part of a well-trained team with much education is a dream. My mom constantly reminded me that being a part of something like this would require someone who doesn’t have a weak stomach. I’ve always had a weak stomach growing up. I mean literally I couldn’t even take the smell of blood from a meat packet. Just recently I have been challenging myself to overcome that, because this is something I really want to do. I made the choice that my career would be CSI. I am in school for it and I am so ready to start my intern somewhere.
The career I am majoring in is Crime Scene Investigations and I will be a private investigator. CSI is when people in maybe suits or a form of a uniform report to a crime. They go on the scene and collect evidence and possibly figure out exactly what happened. The evidence they collect can be used in court against the offender. This job requires late night work such as 3 or 4 something in the morning (Basically anytime of the day). You must be physically fit and trained to use firearms. You must even complete 720 hours in training for CSI in different areas; such as death investigations and blood splattering interpretation. I choose this career because I always wanted to do something that involved the law or under their field. I enjoy watching those shows of people collecting evidence and using it against them to determine what really happened. It’s not because of the money I know I will be making; it is because my career gives me the opportunity to help other people (victim’s family); the feeling of helping people when it is well needed and for a great cause is a wonderful feeling to have in this lifetime.
This career is my dream and I’m ready to get to it. To be a part of a special force you have to have an education. People are required to have a high school diploma of course and some education in college. Preferably their Associate’s Degree; they also have to be sworn police officers to be in the field. Even some law enforcement and have been trained in the forensics. The more education you have the better they pay. Those who have a degree in psychology, forensic pathology and or medicine make the most money. The more of education you have the better the pay. Most of these law enforcement units pay a fixed salary on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly payroll period. Depending on the resources associated with those units, there may also be associated benefits including health insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, and retirement accounts. You would be making 30,000 to 100,000 working in this field. Salary could change depending on your degree as I stated in my last paragraph. The pay