Holden Hates Homecoming
Autor: Samiha1 • December 2, 2015 • Creative Writing • 1,156 Words (5 Pages) • 800 Views
Samiha Tahsin
Mr. Trott
CW/Period 6
25 November 2015
Holden Hates Homecoming
Homecoming. What moron even came up with such a lousy idea? You'd think its fun and all but it really isn't. It's just a bunch of kids going together, horsing around and stuff. Drinking their ass off and finding someone to sleep with for the night. The whole thing is phony as hell.
Anyway I only came cuz Ackley kept bugging me about it. He said he needed someone to come with him so he could get a girl. But for Chrissake he wasn't going to get a girl even if he had all the money in the world. I'm not being rude or anything but you would know what I meant if you saw him yourself. I mean the bastard didn't even bother taking a shower or comb his hair before getting here. He was walking towards one girl after another. None of them wanted to dance with him. It really killed me just seeing him like that, the poor bastard. They were a bunch of phony girls with their phony laughs and excuses. They only wanted hotshots not boys like Ackley. It made me kind of depressed just thinking about it you know. I wanted to have a drink but the goddamn teachers were standing right next to me.
I grabbed a seat and sat alone. All the cute ones were on the dance floor. I would've gone over and danced with them but I didn't feel like it. Things like this you have to be in the right mood and I didn't feel like it. But I did give this girl the eye. I really felt like horsing around. She was a blondie and she was dancing real good. She gave me the eye and came over to my table.
"Hey do you want to dance?" She said. She was hot and I wanted to marry her right then. It annoyed the hell out of me but I was already in love with her. "Sure, why not?" I said. We walked out to the dance floor and it was the best time of my life. She was one hell of a dancer. I'm not kidding. She knocked me out. I mean it.
"You really can dance," I told her.
She leaned over closer and replied, "So can you."
She killed me. "So you havin fun" I asked her.
"It's been grand." She replied. Grand. I hated that word it was so phony. I wanted to puke all over her just hearing that but I didn't.
She continued, "But let's make it....funner."
Funner. That wasn't even a word. She wasn't smart and I didn't like that. But I knew where she was going and I wanted to have fun. I normally don't horse around with dumb girls but I was in the mood. I mean I was pretty depressed and so it just happened. I wasn't really thinking straight. We went over to her place and by the time we got to her room she was already half undressed. I told her to stop since I felt strange and everything seemed to be out of place.