How to Prepare for and Take Examinations
Autor: kingtyus • January 13, 2012 • Essay • 1,688 Words (7 Pages) • 1,674 Views
How to Prepare For and Take Examinations
Most students appear to have extensive anxiety when it comes to preparing for and taking exams and many talk themselves out of doing well before they even receive the exam. If they do this, they will not be able to show what they really can accomplish. Studying for an exam is only a portion of receiving good results. If students don’t know how to prepare for and take exams, chances are that they will not score the highest possible score they are looking to achieve. An experienced test taker comes prepared to take exams. He knows all the necessary steps to take from the beginning to the end of an exam to be successful.
Preparing to study
Examinations are usually given to students to evaluate their understanding of the class material. When it comes to taking exams, there is no actual substitute for preparing for it.
Students may think that the only way to guarantee that they are fully prepared to study is to just study hard and know what they are studying. Nevertheless, there are other things they can do that will help them prepare for an exam and guarantee their achievements.Good studying methods start in the classroom when a student begins to take notes.
Taking notes is a way of recalling what a student has learned or what they have read. Some solutions to good note-taking techniques are to record facts that the teacher discusses or writes down on the board through class. Understanding the notes will happen when the student reviews them. Students should not do partial note taking, doing that could make it difficult for them to learn what they failed to takes notes on. If a student misses anything in class, they should ask the teacher to go over it again with them after class. Other solutions to useful note-taking techniques are organizing notes by topic, color coding and verifying that they are easy to study.
If students plan on getting plenty of studying done, they need to make sure that their place of study is unquestionably relaxing. A student should arrange a comfortable, uninterrupted and well-lit location where they can study without distractions. It is not hard for a student to find a comfortable place to study, but they discover that studying can be difficult if the study space is without adequate lighting. If possible, students should make sure they choose a place where they can lay all studying material out, without the possibility of someone moving them.
Students should set their chair, work space and computer in a manner so that they do not cause discomfort to them while studying. Only a small amount of discomfort can turn into recurring stress injuries if not attended to. Also, students should have all items needed for their study place so they are not continually interrupting while studying.
Studying For an Exam