Job Satisfaction Analysis
Autor: saman shahzeb • April 22, 2016 • Thesis • 5,561 Words (23 Pages) • 1,077 Views
Author is presenting a motivational model based on strong literature review in which certain independent variables i.e. Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Incentives, Working Environment, Social Responsibility, Health and safety supports the dependent variable which is Motivation at work. In this regard the author has chosen the pharmaceutical sector to investigate the validity of the motivational model. Author is of the view that there are certain variable which affects the Motivational level of Employees which are placed in the motivational model by author and the validity of each variable of a model will be tested individually by qualitative techniques, after that the independent variables will support the dependent variable and will be the cause of validity of the model. Author argue that the employees dose not behave in a same manner every time, there level of Motivation towards their work is not static and goes up and down with every little margin. Therefore the companies should be conscious about the different factors to make their employees best at their work. Among different authors the author is contributing to Motivation at work but the difference is because of the Motivational model and specific pharmaceutical sector. In this regard a correlation and regression technique will be used to investigate the validity of the model; the consequence will be taken by the combine validity and strong relation of independent variables to dependent variable.
In the first independent variable which is Job satisfaction and acronym by JD, author argues by strong literature review that Satisfaction level makes or mar the motivation level of the employees of the firms and specially in pharmaceutical sector which is totally a sales oriented, target oriented jobs but not only pharmaceuticals but the sector in which man force is there JS plays an important role. The literature of the research argues that job satisfaction plays a key role in creativity of an employee i.e. if an employee will be satisfied from his/her job it will result in maximum creativity, output as it is a psychological aspect that a satisfied one is more productive then unsatisfied one. Now the satisfaction can be form various factors incentives, high amount of salary etc. This is all what author argues by the help of strong literature review. But moreover to fulfill the research requirements and to make the model valid a quantitative questionnaire involving JD will help in determining the validity of the motivational model.
In the second independent variable which is Organizational commitment and which is also known as organizational engagement and acronym by OC. With the help of strong literature review the author argue that Organizational commitment is one of the main variable that sets the motivation level of the employees that’s why it is place in the second number at Motivational model. Organizational commitment is a degree to which an employee is psychologically attached to a company. E.g. a company involved in establishing a strong relationship with the employee that is giving loans for house, loans for car, extra leaves, medical facilities, extra sick leaves, employee care by many aspects and makes them feel a family that will lead towards organizational commitment. In the literature of this research author argue that Organizational committed employees are more motivated towards their work and are extra productive than others but formally for the sake of validity of the motivational model a set a questionnaires involving Job commitment will be distributed among pharmaceutical employees.