Phl 320 - Globalization for Business
Autor: Tim Arias • November 28, 2016 • Essay • 541 Words (3 Pages) • 1,041 Views
Globalization for Business
Timothy Arias
Globalization for Business
Globalization is, the joint operation between nations across the entire world. There is a big divide on why globalization is good or not good. The simple fact that we all must understand, is that globalization is here and being used today, in businesses around the world. Weather we like it or not, we must form an opinion based on what is prevalent.
(1, Premise) With the use of globalization, products can be less expensive than they would be if they could only be made in the region. (1, Premise) It is cheaper to live in other countries; the food, housing and daily life is not as expensive as more developed countries. (1, Premise) If there is an ability to live in an area with less money, then the people do not require as much money to work than other countries. (1, Conclusion) If the products can be made cheaper in other areas, then the companies can offer the products at a much cheaper cost. (1, Conclusion, 2, Premise) The less expensive products allow there to be a wider demographic of consumers to purchase these products.
(2, Premise) The ability of more people being able to purchase a product means that the companies will be able to grow faster and larger. (2, Premise) When the companies grow, they start to require more employs; these new employs can be in a wide variety of different jobs like sales people, human recourses, product development, and much more. (2, Conclusion) There is a common misconception that globalization takes jobs away from the people of where the product is based out of, but on the contrary, more people are able to work if the companies can scale because of their ability to offer a product at a cheaper cost.
(3, Premise) Globalization works bot ways; if globalization was only a one way street then we all should appose it, but it is not, in fact we are able to make and sell goods from companies outside our country. (3, Premise) There are many plants and factories that countries, like japan and Germany, have in the United States that bring jobs and build the economy. (3, Conclusion) If the world as a whole comes together as one, and feeds off of one another then it proves to show that we can supply each other jobs, revenue, and the ability to build one another’s economy; showing that globalization is a good thing.