What I Have Learned
Autor: peter • March 21, 2014 • Essay • 1,739 Words (7 Pages) • 1,498 Views
When I think about what counts as learning to me, I think about my life. Just being able to live in this world to me is a learning experience, because I feel that my life is full of lessons and I believe that it takes lessons to learn in life. I feel that I have learned to understand learning more and to also understand the value of learning. As I get older I can comprehend subject matters more than I could ever do before. I am learning to be more serious and I find myself not taking life for granted anymore.
I also feel that maturing counts as learning for me because growing up I was continuously being called immature. For me, maturing counts as learning because I find myself doing things I never thought I would be doing, like going to college, for example. I am learning that I am getting a chance to attend college and to have the chance to make something out of myself. I feel this way because I realized that a lot of people do not get a chance to go to college and make something out of their lives. Since I have this chance, I will take full advantage while I am in college. I have learned that I need to concentrate more if I want to make it through college. I need to concentrate more because I know college is not like high school and I really did not concentrate in high school. College is also a big learning experience for me because it is helping me to get rid of bad habits that I used to have. These bad habits include things like not being prepared for when I have to take a test and not studying.
I realized that I needed better study habits when I did not pass my first test in college. I did bad because I did not study; that was an old habit I was used to and the main reason I did bad on my test. Now I have learned that I have to study to pass a test; I realized this is not high school anymore. I feel that I have to get rid of bad habits in order to make room for better habits that I need for everyday life. I am learning better habits every day. Even though I did bad on my first exam I feel that counted as learning for me because now I know what it takes for me to receive a high grade on any test I take.
The biggest learning experience to me so far is life itself. I feel that way because there is so much to learn in life. It takes growing up for me to learn in life. I am now beginning to understand the value of learning because a year ago I did not appreciate learning. I did not value it like I value it now. I took it for granted as if learning could just be given to me. I realize now that it has to be earned. My attitude in high school was bad because I really did not feel I was learning, so I took it for granted. In high school I felt as if the teachers were jokes and I also felt they did not care about educating me properly. I am now starting to learn the value of an education. I now look forward to learning new things every day. I feel that I am beginning to have a passion for learning.