Why Does McCain Mean by Saying That “without Courage All Virtue Is Fragile”?
Autor: jroot80 • March 25, 2015 • Coursework • 605 Words (3 Pages) • 1,097 Views
Why Does McCain mean by saying that “without courage all virtue is fragile”?
It means that if we lack courage to hold on to our beliefs in the moment of testing, not just when everybody agrees with our opinion but also when they go against opposition, then our beliefs are superficial and weak and add nothing to our self respect for our virtues. It means to stand up for what you believe in. Have courage to believe in yourself and not follow the norm of society.
Explain the concept of moral courage using an example. Is it different from physical courage?
Moral courage: is the ability to act rightly in the face of popular opposition, shame, scandal, or discouragement. This is the courage many people face on an everyday basis, always doing what is right regardless of the consequences faced. Most people have a hard time doing the right thing when doing the opposite is easier no matter how hard it is, and regardless of being judged. This is mostly because of human nature to care for their selves before others. For example, you are at a bar and you see a woman being harassed by a man. You have two options. Either you say something to the man and tell him to leave her alone, or you turn a blind eye and let it happen. I would not be able to let it happen because if something more serious happened I would feel as if I could have prevented it. All it takes is for one person to stand up to someone to make a change.
Physical courage is familiar to many people: it is courage in the face of physical pain, hardship, or possible death. An example of physical courage to me could be a number of things. Fire fighters come to mind. They are risking their lives every day to ensure people are safe. Another example could be a person standing up to a bully. Bullying has become a huge deal in the last few years. I am not one for physical contact when it is not needed, but in the case of bullying it might be needed. I would tell my son to take care of the bully if it were happening to him.