Philosophy 1100
Autor: Lakshay Garg • April 10, 2016 • Research Paper • 462 Words (2 Pages) • 779 Views
According to Alvin Plantinga, belief in god is properly basic. He thinks that belief in god need not be based on argument or evidence from other propositions at all. This means that it is perfectly rationale to accept belief in god without accepting it on the basis of any other beliefs or propositions. He explains by saying that: being self-evident or incorrigible is not necessary condition of proper basicality. Moreover, he thinks that belief in god as properly basic is not committed to the idea that belief in god is groundless or gratuitous or without justifying circumstances.
He also rejects the proposition that belief in god is rationale if and only if it is based on a good argument.
Basic beliefs are those beliefs which are not based on any other beliefs, for example 1+2=3 is not based on any other belief. Another example is that I am seated on my desk writing this paper. These are not believed on the basis of any other propositions. Properly basic beliefs are the basic beliefs that are rationale or reasonable and are not based on any other beliefs. The beliefs which are justifies without any need of argumentative support. For example- If I am trying to recall what I had for breakfast this morning, I form the properly basic belief that I had a waffle for breakfast. If I look at a person's face, I might form the properly basic belief that that person is happy.
Whereas non-basic beliefs are the ones which are based on other beliefs. For example- ‘CONCENTRATION’ is spelled as c-o-n-c-e-n-t-r-a-t-i-o-n, this belief is based on another belief i.e. how the dictionary says it’s spelled.
According to star wars analogy, belief in God is properly basic like belief in the force. Obi Wan teaches Luke how to use the force. Luke initially believes in force on the basis of Obi Wan’s testimony. On the other hand, Han Solo was skeptic at first about believing in the force at all but later he believes on the basis of testimony when Obi Wan teaches Luke how to use the force. I think that the analogy is good one. The reason being that Obi Wan Kinobi's belief in the force is properly basic because it is based on experience (like everyone has a sense of the divinity i.e. various belief forming abilities), he is rational in believing in the force without explanation, he feels the force and uses it, and these are experiences that lead to his belief.