The Point Behind Being Human
Autor: rita • March 28, 2011 • Essay • 1,297 Words (6 Pages) • 1,846 Views
Being human is more than having the physical characteristics: a face, a heart, a brain, and a body etc., what does it really mean though? Must the human be able to speak? To take upon the actions of themselves? Does being human mean being able to breathe, feel emotions and function within your society. Does it mean to be endowed with the ability to choose your own path, play out your own means of survival and leave an imprint on future generations? Or are humans simply nothing more than a biological cluster of cells and DNA with no purpose behind living.
Whatever it means to be human, it can be interpreted in any perspective from anyone. My definition of being human is one who exhibits a sense of humanity, compassion, civilization, and consideration towards others. There are many definitions and concepts of what it means to be human, but only five of them stood out to me.
The first definition is that to be human you must attain the ability to accept constructive criticism, having the ability to accept it gives you the opportunity to improve yourself in some aspect, and better your life in the long run.
Secondly to be human you must be able to accept others and their individual differences. Believing others distinguishing characteristics can prove beneficial to you and should be appreciated will inevitably help you succeed in different sectors of your life. By living your life through a small-minded mindset, you inevitably diminish your own ability by not allowing others to benefit you because you couldn't accept objective outsiders for their personal differences.
Thirdly being human is about having the competence to accommodate diverging viewpoints. Majority of humans can respect differences in opinion, views, goals etc,. By being able to do so, the respect towards others will be reciprocated about your own opinions. There is more than one-way of doing things and more than one way of dealing with situations. Either way may bring a similar result, yet beneath the surface, there may lie a huge difference.
Fourthly, possessing attainment of accurate self-assessment on oneself. By viewing personal situations from different perspectives, you create the ability to self assess one's actions for being either wrong or right, proves you're human. Being human is the ability to distinguish between right and wrong.
Fifthly, the last definition is that to be human you must be adept to acknowledging your personal deficiencies. Ironically, it's only love that leads to healing and transformation - which ultimately can create the actual change we say we're looking for within ourselves, or a true sense of acceptance that gives us access to authentic freedom and liberation, regardless of circumstances. At a deep level, all of our "flaws" are subjective and based on our own interpretations, perspectives and focuses. We obsess about certain aspects of our body, appearance, personality