Interview Transcribe
Autor: Abhishek Kini • February 16, 2016 • Study Guide • 1,053 Words (5 Pages) • 797 Views
Interview Transcript
IR: Hello Aviral, I will be taking an interview on your knowledge about cultural intelligence. I will start off with a few general question on your background and then we can go ahead with cultural intelligence.
IR: What is your age?
IE: I am 20 years old.
IR: What is your Nationality?
IE: I am Indian.
IR: Now we will go ahead with the Cultural Intelligence. What do you think is Cultural Intelligence?
IE: I think Cultural intelligence is the ability of the person to adapt to different cultures in different countries and it is not just limited to individuals, it is also associated with business and other groups as everyone needs cultural intelligence to succeed in different country. For example if you are travelling to other country say to study you go to that the country and you do things according to the culture you adapt and that's how you become successful. That's what I make of the cultural intelligence.
IR: So when you came to Ireland what was the difference that you felt when compared to India in terms of Culture difference.
IE: When I first came to Ireland from India I observed a huge cultural change in almost everything from the way people talk, in the way people dress, with the way people eat and even when they pray and the way they spend their time so in India like when we like to spend time in India we usually go to someone's place just to U know go for dinner but out here it is completely different here to spend time u go out for drinks or to a pub which is not common back in India.
IR: What do you do to get to know the Irish culture better?
IE: I went to places, I travelled with Irish people just to know how they do things in their country and I also read a lot about Irish culture on line but most of all i visited Irish cities like Galloway, Bray so that I can know if there is a difference within the Irish culture as well. I also went to St. Patrick's Day parade which was amazing.
IR: Have you been to another country in the last few months if yes how would you compare the culture of the country with Ireland?
IE: Yes I have been to UAE. The party culture that is the Night life of both the countries are almost similar. I think UAE is more developed than Ireland but culture wise i like Ireland more because adapting is easy. The spending’s on luxury is more in UAE when compared to Ireland it’s much more limited and they prefer spending less on cars and stuff and more on alcohol.
IR: I think there are a lot of difference in the Values and belief in both countries. What do you feel?
IE: There are a lot of Indian in the UAE so i the cultural difference when compared to India is not that much but yes there are differences in Ireland like in UAE a youth even if he or she is 18 they will support you but you are answerable to their parents in most of the cases but when you see in Ireland u see them working part times in restaurant and all for money which they can spend on whatever they want.