Two Old Friends
Autor: woodwardtr • September 28, 2014 • Essay • 1,866 Words (8 Pages) • 1,063 Views
Reign Over Me is an American drama film starring Adam Sandler (Charlie) and Don Cheadle (Alan). They play two old friends who reunite in New York post 9/11, after losing touch after dental school. Charlie suffered a great loss on September 11, when he lost his wife and three daughters. Five years later, Charlie and Alan cross paths, during which Alan notices how far Charlie has fallen. Charlie developed a way of coping with his loss, simply to not think about or remember this tragedy.
The disorder Charlie is suffering from is, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD is a type of anxiety disorder; normally occurring after one has experienced or seen a traumatic event that involves injury, death, or threat. The symptoms for this disorder fall into three main categories: reliving, avoidance, and arousal. Charlie’s symptoms include avoidance of the situation, random outbursts of anger, and feeling detached from society. Charlie simply tells himself he does not remember what happened in order to not feel his pain and in hopes he will overall forget. The people in Charlie’s life prior to reuniting with Alan enable his disorder and do not allow him to see his in laws, who desperately want to see him. This creates a different reality for Charlie, one where he would rather not remember the past then feel emotions and pain. When Alan enters Charlie’s life again, he nonchalantly tries to discuss Charlie’s loss with him. Charlie responds saying he has no family, outbursts of yelling and anger, and ultimately attacking his friend. Charlie’s symptoms furthermore lead him to create mechanisms of defense.
Defense mechanisms are a way people cope with their feelings. Charlie’s overall defense mechanism is living a life where his late wife and three daughters never existed in the first place. Charlie will do anything in his power to help him forget what happened to him, which is why he creates defense mechanisms. Living off the settlement he received for his family deaths, he escapes into a world of isolation where music of his youth and video games drown out his sorrow. There is not anywhere Charlie will go without his headphones. In case of him stumbling upon something of his past, Charlie rides around New York on his motor scooter and his headphones to put on to avoid his thoughts. Charlie thinks he can include Alan, because Alan did not know his family nor was he involved in their lives. Charlie and Alan begin playing video games for hours, playing the drums and guitar, and seeing movie screenings all night long. Alan notices Charlie is constantly remodeling his kitchen in his apartment. This instills in Charlie that there is always more to do, which keeps him busy. Alan finds out the last conversation Charlie had with his wife was on the phone discussing remodeling their kitchen. Charlie told Alan he reacted in a bad manner to his wife; therefore Charlie feels a sense of guilt. Remodeling his kitchen is a way