It's Time to Flow
Autor: CMonique83 • November 11, 2015 • Presentation or Speech • 635 Words (3 Pages) • 841 Views
F= Favor
L= (new) Loyalties
O= (new) Opportunities
W= (new) Wisdom
Can you imagine what you can do or where you can go when you choose to "Flow" in the vein of God? How can you get on track to doing this you ask?
1. Change your words
2. Change your ways
3. Change your world
The Bible states that if any man be in Christ he is a new creature & old things are passed away. Therefore, your words spoken (even in prayer) should be different from most. Your thoughts should be Kingdom & focused on e promises God has for you. When you change your ways, your perspective changes along with it & you no longer want to frequent places you used to go, keep or hold on to acquaintances you once associated with, etc.
As a result, our ways & words have everything to do with shaping our world (and I mean in our personal worlds, as well as our external environments). When you flow that means you have to get somewhere or to a certain destination.
The definition of Flow is to move with a continual change of place. Do you know that God never promised a life without challenges, obstacles, trials, & tribulations, but HE did say to cast your cares on Him, and He'll make your burdens light and as long as you're consistent about His business, He'll reciprocate the same for you.
One of our biggest problems as human beings is the resistance to change. I understand that it's the fear of the unknown, but why do we need to know everything if we say we trust God & He clearly stated in His Word that He knows the plans He has for us -- especially to manifest & prosper, (v. Jer.29:11) .
I believe in order to FLOW, you first have to flood your heart, mind, & spirit with God's Word & Holy presence. "Wash away" anything that's not like Him (v.-Create in me a clean heart & renew a right spirit within me). Take a minute to think about it.... What's that thing, person, connection, or addiction that is blocking your flow? Let's face it, some people & things have been anchored in your life too long... It's time to tell it "YOU HAVE BEEN CUT OFF"! I know it will hurt or be hard for a while, but don't even throw it a lifeline, surfboard, or buoy! Time to set sail and stand on your own two feet. Don't keep trying to row with the same people or things you should've thrown overboard a long time ago & then wonder why your ship keeps capsizing & you find yourself drowning in a sea of mess. Make the choice today that you will no longer want to be lost out at se feeling though you're without a viable ship or sail. It's time for you to "F.L.O.W." with God's current. ~What manner of Man is this, that even the wind & the waves obey Him?!