Interactive Physiology
Autor: futuregordon • December 23, 2011 • Essay • 391 Words (2 Pages) • 6,065 Views
The Respiratory System: Gas Transport
1. Oxygen transport in the blood:
_98.5____% is bound to hemoglobin
_1.5____% dissolves in plasma
2. The hemoglobin molecule is composed of _4__ polypeptide chains and _4__ heme groups containing iron.
What does oxygen bind to? ___hemoglobin______
3. After one oxygen molecule (O2) binds to hemoglobin, it is easier for the other molecules to bind to the hemoglobin.
This is known as ____?_______________.
4. When oxygen is loaded onto hemoglobin in the lungs, hemoglobin is called __oxyhemoglobin_______________, and when oxygen is unloaded from the hemoglobin at the tissues it is called __deoxyhemoglobin__________________.
5. From the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve, we see the following:
Lungs: Partial pressure of oxygen is _100___ mmHg
Hemoglobin is _98___% saturated
Tissues: Partial pressure of oxygen is 40___ mmHg
Hemoglobin is _75___% saturated
6. Effect of high altitude on lung PO2: 80mm Hg, hemoglobin 95% saturated
With a decrease of 20 mmHg in the lungs, will the saturation of hemoglobin decrease significantly? ____no_________
7. Effect of exercise on tissue PO2: lowers Po2 (20mm Hg)
With a decrease of 20 mmHg in the tissues, will the saturation of hemoglobin decrease significantly? _no_____.
How does this help the tissues? ____it releases much more oxygen to the tissues_________________________.
8. Name the other factors that alter PO2: pH, temperature, Pco2, and BPG
During exercise,