What Is Fish Swimming - Anguilliform Locomotion
Autor: viki • October 2, 2011 • Essay • 397 Words (2 Pages) • 1,776 Views
What is Fish Swimming:
Swimming is biologically propelled motion through a liquid medium. Swimming has evolved a number of times in a range of organisms ranging from arthropods to fish to molluscs.
What is Fish locomotion?
The prevailing type of fish locomotion is swimming in water. In addition, some fish can "walk", i.e., move over land, burrow in mud, and glide through the air.
Swimming Vs locomotion
Swimming Locomotion
Its biologically propelled Always not biologically propelled
It's a active work May be active or passive
A independent phenomenon Sometimes rely on environment such as wave, wind current etc.
Happen in liquid medium mainly water Water is not necessary; Perhaps happen in air or land too
Mainly found in relatively higher organism Found in all types of organism
All types of swimming is locomotion All types of locomotion is not swimming
Ex: movement of Magur in water Ex: Walking of Koi on land
Why swimming and locomotion?
For Searching food
For Migration
For safety or flee from Predator
For Mating or courtship behavior
. Nutritional needs
4. Digestive efficiency
Some fish need to swim in order to maintain flotation;
How many types?