Capital Punishment
Autor: marusosa • May 8, 2013 • Essay • 559 Words (3 Pages) • 1,381 Views
Capital Punishment
Statistics have proven that Capital Punishment has been an effective deterrent of crime. Capital Punishment is the caused death of criminals to punish them for their terrible crimes. When the death penalty is enforced, it shows society that committing a capital crime has serious consequences.
Long ago there were many methods of Capital Punishment. The most common one was hanging and rarely starvation. However there was an exception
for spies and traitors. They would be shot. Then in 1888 the electric chair was invented. It was believed to be a more scientific and humane means of execution. The first electrocution took place in 1890. The term capital crime has changed through the years. Robbery, selling alcohol to minors and rape were considered to be capital crimes, and were sentenced to death. Nowadays in order to receive capital punishment one must commit tow terrible crimes together. One being first degree murder and the other being aggravation before the murder. This means that the criminal had to torture and kill and person in order to receive death penalty.
In America capital punishment has been found so successful that thirty-seven states out of the fifty states authorize the death penalty. Every society has faced the problem of what to do with its worst criminals. Many people in the past have argued whether or not Capital Punishment is moral or necessary. On the other hand other societies believe that a criminal should receive punishment equivalent to the crime committed. However most societies believe that severe punishment is necessary to install fear in others.
The lethal injection method was created in the 1970's. This method involved injecting a combination of a sedative, which is used to make the execution less painful, and a fatal chemical