Field Placement & Seminar
Autor: apelage • February 4, 2016 • Term Paper • 1,186 Words (5 Pages) • 630 Views
AnnMarie Pelage
Social Work 410
Professor P. Brown
April 8th 2013,
Field Placement & Seminar.
Midterm Assignment.
My Field Placement is at the Queens Village Committee for Mental Health called J-CAP Program, my Analysis is based on one of my client at the facility J-CAP. My Internship as an intern student for the first semester at the facility is a great experience, and I will try to state all the skills that I used and interacted with the clients. I will be using the Schulman’s twenty-seven Basic Helping skills, and Biestek’s “Principles of the Casework Relationship”. I will also evaluate my performance and discuss where I could of used the skills well and the principles where I should of but did not.
I was approached by the counselors at the facility J-CAP about meeting some clients who may need assistance, I was so excited to finally explore some of what I learned in the classroom, but at the same time I was nervous, not knowing if the clients would like me or want to work with me as a new intern with no experience. I was introduce to three clients and I proceeded to inquire about one client in particular Client X seemed very interesting and expressed interest in talking to me by responding saying: “I do have a lot to say I have been through a lot” my reaction was I will be very happy to talk to you this is the reason am here. Though there were other clients but at that same time I individualized with this particular client fro the rest. Based on the principles of the casework Individualization is based on the rights to helping clients to be individuals and to understand each quality. I approached the client’s counselor to find out if I can get a briefing on the client’s chart so she allowed me o read the chart, I set up an interview right after the reading during the week to meet the client. As I prepared myself for the session with Client X we met on a Tuesday afternoon at 5pm in the student intern office for the first session based on what I read on his history at J-CAP he has been through some very traumatic events in his life. Client X walked into the student intern office little anxious and I introduce myself and shook hands with Client X. He said hello and that he were happy to meet with me one on one basis. Client explained that he was working in a previous drug program with his Godfather for about a year and after that his first trauma began when he got a phone call that a drunk driver killed his wife and unborn child (Tuning in) this concept is important because each individual is significant to the worker, and for the counselor to pick up on cues from client. In the Beginning of the meeting with Client X, I clarified the purpose