Global Warming
Autor: rita • April 3, 2014 • Research Paper • 2,955 Words (12 Pages) • 1,585 Views
For the past 50 years global warming has been a trend, in which we cannot ignore. In order to lessen the consequences of global warming, society should be educated on how to help prevent it, in any possible way. Climate change is the biggest threat to nature and humanity in the 21st century. I will explain the cause, impacts and solutions of global warming. Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of our planet as a whole and climate change the complex ways Earth's ecosystems respond. The evidence-based conclusion of scientists around the world is that global warming due to human activity is happening.
Global warming and climate change threatens the very existence of mankind; understanding the affects of each and implementing measures to save this planet are of dire urgency. Global warming has become a threat to everything and everyone on Earth. Global warming is caused by many natural and manmade processes that continue to affect our environment. The release of carbon dioxide and methane gases are the two main contributors to climate change. With the warming of the environment almost inevitable now, methane gases are sure to become an even bigger contributor as the planet warms and the ice melts at the poles. It is going to take a global effort, like none ever seen before, to slow down and bring global warming to a much more manageable condition. People must commence to doing their part in reducing their carbon footprint, such as buying more fuel efficient cars, cutting back travel, recycling, reducing energy needs, and making their homes greener. Governments must act with the utmost importance to implement to regulate the energy uses from their countries more strictly and provide great financial assistance in converting to a greener shape.
Global warming is the gradual rise of the earth's surface temperature, caused by the release of greenhouse gases that become trapped in the earth's atmosphere. These trapped gases are responsible for the changes in the global climate patterns. Greenhouse gases are considered any gas that is absorbed into the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor while preventing the sun's solar rays from escaping back out into space. There is a natural process called the greenhouse effect that is required to keep our planet sustainable, without this process Earth would be uninhabitable. The greenhouse effect is the process of solar radiation passing through the earth's atmosphere and some being reflected back into space. With global warming and the burning of fossil fuels this is putting more carbon dioxide and methane gases into the atmosphere and is preventing the normal reflection of the sun's rays from being reflected back into space because these gases trap the suns heat within. This trapping, coupled with global temperature rise are causing the extreme climate changes that are remapping our planet. Climate change can be defined as significant