Male and Female Sexual Response
Autor: Oscar Odima • October 29, 2015 • Essay • 380 Words (2 Pages) • 1,185 Views
Sexual response and arousal among humans depends on a lot of factors; biological, psychological and sociocultural influences are some of the factors that affect arousal in males and females. Males and females also experience different reactions from these factors and thus some factors may cause arousal in men but will not do so in females.
Biological factors play one of the largest factors in determining the level of arousal that one will respond to another individual. The androgen hormones, specifically testosterone, cause a sexual response in males once it is released into the blood stream. Udry et al. (1985) discovered that the men with a high amount of unbound testosterone in their bloodstream could easily get aroused. Similarly in females, high estrogen levels show an increase in sexual desire and response from sexual activities.
Psychological issues have also shown to have a significant impact on the sexual responses of both males and females. Mental and physical fatigue can lead to a temporary lack of interest in sexual activities. Low self-esteem, conflict with partners and stress are some other psychological factors that may inhibit one's sexual drive. The brain is considered to be the most powerful sexual organ in the body (Weissman & Klerman, 1977).
Sociocultural influences also determine the level of sexual response that people have. In some cultures, such as those in the Middle East, their notions of sexual activities are different from other countries (Khan, 2001). As such, one's culture will determine how one responds to sexual arousal. The Suma people of central Africa, for example, find women that have pierced their lower lips to be more sexually attractive.
All these factors contribute significantly to one's ability to respond to a situation sexually, as such, difficulties in sexual arousal may have various forms of treatment, according to the underlying cause. Males and females are also affected differently by these factors and encounter different experiences, especially from biological factors.
Khan, S. (2001). Culture and identities: men who have sex with men in India. Journal of Homosexuality, 40, 115
Udry, J, Billy, O, Morris, N & Raj, H, (1985), Serum androgenic hormones motivates sexual behaviors in males, sterility and fertility, 43; 90-94