Should Abortion Be Legal?
Autor: Tyleshea • March 30, 2016 • Term Paper • 1,117 Words (5 Pages) • 1,122 Views
Should abortion be legal?
Tyleshea T. Day
PHI 103
Brian Addis
10 Jun 2013
I. Introduction
A. Thesis statement
Abortion is a debate that has been around for many years, are you pro-choice or pro-life. Do you believe the woman should be able to make that choice to kill an innocent child? Although abortion is legal, it is immorally wrong. There are many people in the world that would love to adopt these children. Abortion not only affects the unborn child but the mother as well.
II. Body paragraph #1- Abortion causes pain to the mother
Abortion is legal but it does not account for the pain that the women suffer after the abortion. Many young girls get abortion based on what their parents may think not realizing the long-term effects. Abortion should not be legal unless women are required to go to so form of counseling to ensure they know the risks.
- Supporting evidence
According to an article by Moria Gaul, “Abortion can cause both short-term and long-term physical complications, and can significantly affect a woman's ability to have healthy future pregnancies.’ (Gaul 2013). Most women do not realize the effects until after they have already had the abortion.
- Explanation
Having an abortion can cause many long-term mental and physical complications. The physical complications include cervical lacerations and bleeding hemorrhage as well as induction and serious pain. Once a women gets an abortion it puts her at risk for future complications of other pregnancies.
- So What?
While abortion is legal, it is unsafe for the mother to get an abortion. When a mother makes the decision she is not aware of the after effects of the abortion.
III. Body paragraph #2- Pain at her own risk
Abortion is legal because research has proven that although they’re a many risks to abortion Woman undergo counseling and are aware of the risks associated with the abortion.
- Supporting Evidence
According to an article by Kate Pickert, “ The only abortion clinic in North Dakota, woman must wait 24 hours between scheduling an appointment and arriving at the facility. Once there, she must undergo a counseling, verification and testing process that lasts up to five hours.”
- Explanation Evidence shows that although abortion is legal some states require woman to have a waiting period. The waiting period allows members to think about the decision and make sure they are not action from emotion.
C. So What?
Since woman are aware of the risk and the abortion are legal woman can make their decisions to abort their baby.