Social Innovation Is a New Strategies
Autor: Nick91 • February 12, 2015 • Thesis • 283 Words (2 Pages) • 932 Views
Social innovation is a new strategies, ideas and organizations, that are looking for a solution of any social need or problem. Start from work conditions and education until development of society and healthcare. Peter Drucker and Michael Young were one of the first scientist who started discuss the opportunity of social innovations. Michael Young is well-known as a founder of “Open University”. The main idea of this university is to give opportunity for the people to study in convenient time and place. This is was a beginning of distant learning trend.
Social innovations wide spreading all around the world, because people understand it’s time to work as a team. Particularly in 21st century - the era of informational technologies, new discoveries, fast motion to new challenges.
The problem of unemployment, an aging population, climate change, all of which are social, economic and political aspects. We think that the main idea of social innovation is to break the barrier between civil society, government and the private sphere. This new approach to social policy and social needs solutions.
Nowadays there are lots of different examples of social innovations all around the world. For instance: “Association of night owls” in Denmark. It involves volunteers, working with local authorities, the education system, the police, the business community. The main objective of "night owls" - prevention of violence and vandalism among youth, thoughtless and criminal lifestyle, increased responsibility. Or another example of successful social innovation is a web portal “FixMyStreet” opened in 2007. Where locals can inform local authorities about the overcrowded garbage cans, dirty corners, ugly signs of shops and other things.
Social innovation can make our life easier and better, all depends how effectively we would use them.