Workplace in Korea - Korean Workplace Culture
Autor: Rinka Chan • April 18, 2018 • Research Paper • 970 Words (4 Pages) • 745 Views
Individual Project:
Workplace Culture
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Korean workplace culture is one the most distinct workplace cultures among other Asia countries and its spirit has contributed a lot to the rapid economic development of Korea. The big conglomerates(Chaebol) including Samsung, LG, Lotte and Hyundai Motors etc. In the following sections, the characteristics of the workplace culture, rationale behind the features, effects and future perceptions would be discussed.
Authoritativeness is one of the most essential cultures that firmly rooted on the mindset of Korean. Workers have to be obedient to the supervisors or managers by listening to their commands. For instance, if most of the workers respect their supervisors or seniors, the newcomers have to follow and behave the same way to integrated into the working atmosphere and prevent discriminate by other. Because of Confucianism, which is a core value and traditional value in Korean civilization and advocates being honest, loyal and respectable to its society and family, every Korean is expected to respect the old and authorities in workplace. This can ensure the operation of business smoothly since the objections from employers can be prevented. However, it may suppress the freedom of workers since they are not allowed to question manager’s decisions and expected to be thankful for what had been assigned from the supervisors. The example can be found in Misaeng(미생)(EP1 56:23 to56:46). [pic 2]
Male-dominated is another feature that commonly appear in workplace. Due to the strong influence on old thinking, women are usually regarded as inferior than men and expected to sacrifice their career for spending more time on family. Even women receive better education or are proficient in particular skill, it is hard for them attempt high rankings position. Worse still, when they get married, it is more difficult to find job because employers think they will ask for sick or inefficient in working, leading a gender inequality in workplace. According to the statistics from Ministry of Employment and Labor, it was showed that the employment rate of women was much lower than men’s in these few years and there was still a severe income disparity between men and women, which women barely sustain their daily life without sufficient income, feeling depressed because of the discrimination and hardly purse for high ranking position in their career path. From the perspective of company, the, it will lose its reputation by having a traditional thinking since nowadays emphasize the importance of women and men being equal.
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Income Gap between Men and Women in Korea
Year | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 |
Wage gap(time) | 1.6 | 1.57 | 1.57 | 1.60 | 1.60 |
(3). Social Interaction
Social Interaction between colleagues and supervisors is a necessary etiquette in Korea workplace culture. It is important for Korean to build a strong relationships with colleagues by having some after-work gathering, which helps strengthen the morale, loyalty and teamwork spirit. For instance, company will hold hweshik(회식) and invite both upper and lower level of employers. During the occasions, it is expected that everyone should drink alcohol and there is a common practice that passing one’s glass to other, if you receive it, you are required to drink it and return the full glass to other. A study showed that 96% of the workers drunk at the after-work gathering and the frequency of drinking occasion was 5.4 times a month. Ostensibly, it seems a voluntary activities, actually, it is mandatory because it considers as a extra workload. If you are no able to participated the gathering, showing that you are not respect the colleagues or managers or even discriminate by them. In fact, the obsession of drinking will lead to some health problems that related to alcohol abuse such as liver cancer or high blood pressure. Also, it may reduce the reunion time for family and weaken the relationship with family.