Quality Midterm
Autor: alonso2370 • March 12, 2015 • Exam • 1,674 Words (7 Pages) • 2,618 Views
1. (TCO A) Who is in the best position to define quality for a product or service? Is it the customer, the producing organization, regulators? Of the three stakeholders listed, who has the most input in how quality is defined for a product or service? This answer must be in your own words—significant cut and paste from the text or other sources is not acceptable. (Points : 10)
Products or services are defined in order of priority by first the organization, second the regulators and last by customers' opinion.
Definitely, the organization has the lead as an input in defining the quality of their products or services. Why? Organizations are business focus entities. And such and based on the vision and mission of the organization, the company defines the quality and target the respective customers. Once companies defines quality, they must comply such degree of quality with business regulations in order to avoid any penalties. Last, because of the target customers, companies also have to take into account customer reviews in order to sense the taste and make the products/services more attractable.
Quality is defined by organizations by applicating knowledge thorough research and development and then delivering the product or service to the right customers and stakeholders. Quality increases the value of the company , therefore, the value of the stakeholders.
Question 2. 2. (TCO B) Explain the concept of delegated quality. How might the achievement of a quality award or ISO certification reduce the risk associated with delegated quality? This answer must be in your own words—significant cut and paste from the text or other sources is not acceptable. (Points : 10) Delegated quality is when a company transfer to another entity such as supplier, provider, etc its responsibility for product or service quality. This happens when third party organizations assume and/or verify that suppliers have a good and robust quality management systems. Certifications such as ISO 9001 will guarantee and help reducing the risks of delegated quality because the organization has the assurance of an independent entities like the quality award agency who assure or guarantee the organization’s quality system, the ones who received delegation. |
Question 3. 3. (TCO B) Explain the concept of zero defects. What was Crosby attempting to accomplish by the use of the zero defects approach? This answer must be in your own words—significant cut and paste from the text or other sources is not acceptable. (Points : 10) Zero defects has to do with efficiency of quality management systems and not with being perfect. Zero defects is about having the right resources (technology, people, etc) that make the company to be able to make the best products and services in order to satisfy the customers. Crosby focused on low cost and long lasting quality product/services, so companies have to have the right processes in order to achieve them. |