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Business case Free Term Papers


7,893 Business case Free Papers: 751 - 775 (showing first 1,000 results)

Last update: July 21, 2016
  • Boeing-Case Study

    Boeing-Case Study

    Darlene Austin Management 6681 13 November 2011 Case Study- Problems at Perrier (Chapter 6, pg 183) 1. Identify the key elements of the resistance to change described in this situation. The key elements of the resistance to change described in the Perrier case are: Lack of communication and the companies inability to inform the employees of what changes affected production at Perrier, the company made excessive changes, the company introduces a series of changes and

    Essay Length: 906 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: November 26, 2011 Autor: andrey
  • Globalization Case - in Praise of Cultural Imperialism - Article Review

    Globalization Case - in Praise of Cultural Imperialism - Article Review

    Globalization is a global process that connects countries with the action of sharing economies through business and trade. In the article, "In Praise of Cultural Imperialism", David Rothkopf argues that Globalization is something positive and does not harm people, rather is it useful for them. He agrees that it is not something that is threatening to one's or a nation's identity, and it creates more similarities and common lives between people all around the world.

    Essay Length: 690 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: November 26, 2011 Autor: viki
  • Aims Case

    Aims Case

    INTRODUCTION The aim of this experiment is to first; find/investigate/verify or research a relationship between deflection and load of a simple supported beam and secondly is to determine the young's modulus of elasticity from the given beam. Therefore the AIMS & OBJECTIVE OF THIS EXPERIMENT ARE: 1. To research a relationship between deflection and load of a simple supported beam 2. To determine the young's modulus of elasticity from the given beam. Hence this report

    Essay Length: 264 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 26, 2011 Autor: viki
  • Corkboards Case

    Corkboards Case

    Chapter I INTRODUCTION This chapter discusses the background of the study, the statement of the problem and of the hypothesis, the significance of the study, the scope and delimitations, and the definition of terms in the research study. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Cork board Corkboards are composed of dead cells that accumulate on the outer surface of the cork oak tree. It is a unique tree material. It has a honeycomb-like structure which makes it

    Essay Length: 2,349 Words / 10 Pages
    Submitted: November 27, 2011 Autor: chacha
  • Marriage Case - Another Evening at the Club - Review

    Marriage Case - Another Evening at the Club - Review

    Marriages are a major turning point in every one's lives. They change people's life styles forever. However, they can either lead to ultimate happiness, or can be a main cause of misery. The story, "Another Evening at the Club" by Alifa Rifaat, represents the second path. Samia, the main character in the story is trapped in her unhappy marriage. However in the movie, The Namesake directed by Mira Nair, Ashima found true happiness in her

    Essay Length: 1,167 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: November 27, 2011 Autor: antoni
  • Architecture Case

    Architecture Case

    There is much more to architecture than just designing buildings which contrasts with the skills of oneself. My individual skills are compared to that of an architect, and are brought about through the topics of my work preference, interests/ passions, learning styles, multiple intelligences, personality type, values, transferable skills and finally the required skills of the job of an architect. When asking what ones work preferences are, generally speaking, most people, when they are looking

    Essay Length: 1,036 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: November 27, 2011 Autor: andrew
  • Business Organisation and Structure

    Business Organisation and Structure

    Business organisation and structure Having studied this chapter you will be able to: • Ascertain the appropriate organisational structure for different types and sizes of business. • Understand the concepts of span of control and scalar chains. • Appreciate the differing levels of strategy in an organisation. In a nutshell: This chapter lays the foundation for an understanding of what organisations are, what they do and how they do it. Business Context Appreciating why organisations

    Essay Length: 1,551 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: November 27, 2011 Autor: antoni
  • Grid Analysis - Toyota Manufacturing Case

    Grid Analysis - Toyota Manufacturing Case

    Grid Analysis is a decision making technique that weighs the factors to options by assigning each factor a numerical value, which reflects the importance of that factor to the decision making process. Grid Analysis is most useful when there are more than one valuable alternative to choose from. Grid Analysis works by identifying individual options and factors to then apply the weighted score by the relative importance of that factor to each of the options

    Essay Length: 280 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 27, 2011 Autor: envymercedes
  • Cardon Carpet Case Analysis

    Cardon Carpet Case Analysis

    I. Problem Definition/Issue facing the company Cardon Carpet Mills, Inc. is a privately held manufacturer of a full line of medium-to high-priced carpet primarily for the residential segment. Given recent developments within the floor covering industry Robert Meadows, the president of Cardon Carpet Mills, Inc is considering the possibility of establishing distribution centers or wholesale operations for the company. II. Situation Analysis Industry Background Wholesale and retail distribution in the U.S. carpet and rug industry

    Essay Length: 2,264 Words / 10 Pages
    Submitted: November 27, 2011 Autor: jon
  • Business to Business

    Business to Business

    The article below sheds a very positive light on the use of Business to Business (B2B) portals. B2B is the exchange of products, services, or information between businesses as opposed to between businesses and consumers. This editorial describes the benefits of B2B in an attempt to encourage up and coming businesses to use this portal. Some of the benefits listed are: • Aids in the development activities of the products of a company • Improve

    Essay Length: 525 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: November 27, 2011 Autor: andrey
  • Automobile Case - Proton and Perodua

    Automobile Case - Proton and Perodua

    Proton and Perodua already control 70% of the country’s passenger car market, there is ample room to “co-exist separately”. The vendors to both those companies have benefited from a vast localization policy instituted in the past. Perodua makes the cylinder heads for Proton’s Campro engines and further cooperation and joint ventures in parts and components are being considered. “Both companies can survive and we both give vendors access to different markets,’’ he says, reiterating his

    Essay Length: 316 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 27, 2011 Autor: yenhue
  • Balance Case

    Balance Case

    Finding balance with work, family, school and trying to be healthy is a problem a person must face day to day. For over a month, the workload has increased tremendously with having two employees leaving the company. This reaction caused our department to lose control. In the meantime, the boss hires temporary employees to help with the labor. Unfortunately, one downfall to hiring these employees for the position is the severe training. While in training,

    Essay Length: 737 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: November 27, 2011 Autor: andrew
  • Peter Hanson Case

    Peter Hanson Case

    Peter Hanson Case What were the strategic rationales for the establishment of the product development centre in Shanghai, China? The reason behind setting up a Product development center (PDC) in Shanghai was to keep up with the pace of the fast growing market in China that was becoming ever more important to High Tech Systems (HTS). The company had already an established market share in the Chinese market and produced its products locally. However it

    Essay Length: 450 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 27, 2011 Autor: jon
  • Daniels Case Study - Danny's Video

    Daniels Case Study - Danny's Video

    DANNY'S VIDEO Little Danny suffered from a condition called "cynophobia", fear of dogs or animals. Animal phobias are among the most common of the specific phobias and 36% of patients who seek treatment report being afraid of dogs or cats. Although snakes and spiders are more common animal phobias, Cynophobia is especially weakening because of the high prevalence of dogs. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSMV-IV-TR) reports that only 12% to 30%

    Essay Length: 558 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: November 27, 2011 Autor: andrew
  • A Flood Case

    A Flood Case

    The sky is overcast with dark, angry clouds. The thunder is rumbling in the background, sudden flashes of lightening snake across the gloomy sky illuminating it. It had been ‘pouring cats and dogs,' continually for the past few weeks but now it has been raining continuously for the past few days. The swollen river gives way to the pressure and breaks its banks, sending a deluge of water and mud to the surrounding areas. The

    Essay Length: 419 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 27, 2011 Autor: jon
  • Innovative Case Study

    Innovative Case Study

    INNOVATIVE CASE STUDY 1. Wills Sim was a very successful young officer posted in South China Sea in U.S. Navy. 2. U.S. Navy played a critical role in winning Spanish American war. 3. Their main critical task was to gun down enemy ship in sea. But it was difficult because sea waves are rolling and being toss by ship. Hitting a target is difficult. 4. A gun pointer had to estimate distance the target and

    Essay Length: 469 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 28, 2011 Autor: antoni
  • Fujiwara Techno-Art Co. - Family Business

    Fujiwara Techno-Art Co. - Family Business

    I. Executive Summary This report will examine Fujiwara Techno-Art Co.; a typical Japanese family business majored in supplying production machines and plants for fermented food, healthy food, and biomass products. Over years in business, Fujiwara Techno-Art has established and maintained a culture of strong and reliable relationship between employees and between company and clients, which is also the success key to its current dominant position of domestic market. However, as the domestic market is

    Essay Length: 2,940 Words / 12 Pages
    Submitted: November 28, 2011 Autor: andrey
  • Copyrighting Case

    Copyrighting Case

    Copyright is a major issue in today’s world of electronic media, where copying and pirating has become a major threat to the entertainment industry. No matter how protective they make their software or entertainment, the hackers out there still know the cheap and effective way of breaking into the information. It is a known fact that just a couple of centuries ago; copying was not only considered as a protective means of preserving the old

    Essay Length: 437 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 28, 2011 Autor: testmail
  • Reflection Case

    Reflection Case

    The strongest piece of our lesson would probably be our hand out because I thought that it really showed a good summary of our project. I also think that it was the strongest part of our lesson because everybody participated and everybody enjoyed making up his or her own situation. I would say that the weakest part of our presentation would be us actually presenting. I say this because we mostly just read the power

    Essay Length: 363 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 28, 2011 Autor: antoni
  • Hutchison Case Study

    Hutchison Case Study

    Question 1: a. New shares issue Outstanding shares = 2000 million A new shares issue at $48.8 Total capital raised = $1 billion = HKD$ 7800 million Total shares issued = 159.8 million New share capital = HKD$ 8704 million (Hong Kong corporate tax rate at 16.5 percent (in 1996) Profit after taxation = 7800*(1-16.5%) = 6513 Assume stable growth of 10% Profit for the year retained = 6513*60% (Dividend policy 2:3)+5300*1.1 = 9521.6 Shareholder

    Essay Length: 1,888 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: November 28, 2011 Autor: rita
  • Doing Business in Turkey

    Doing Business in Turkey

    Taking on Turkey Turkey's beaches are known to be beautiful, clean, and one of the most stunning sites to see in all of Europe. In fact, at the 2011 World Travel Awards the country of Turkey won 15 awards all together for its unique culture and attractive sites across the country making it one of the world's best tourist attractions ( Along with tourism comes opportunities for business in many different areas of the market

    Essay Length: 1,230 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: November 28, 2011 Autor: andrew
  • Characteristics of Small Business Owner and the Nature of Small Business in General

    Characteristics of Small Business Owner and the Nature of Small Business in General

    Abstract Purpose---Identifies the characteristics of small business owner and the nature of small business in general. Methodology---in this research is included a brief introduction to the reasons why people want to start their own business, what the characteristic of small business owner is and what is the nature of small business in general. This is followed by a definition of small business in Australia and a discussion about the importance of the role of Family

    Essay Length: 799 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: November 28, 2011 Autor: Antonio
  • The Business Cycle

    The Business Cycle

    Through our studies of economics, in this class, the business cycle has been the most complex, yet most fascinating topic I have ever studied. Through my studies I have found that every part of economics is linked to this cycle of ups and downs. The business cycle involves four distinct phases. In the expansion phase, or growth phase, real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is on the rise. Inflation is stable, or down, and the majority

    Essay Length: 298 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 28, 2011 Autor: rita
  • Intermediate Case

    Intermediate Case

    1. When the electricity usage is constant from month to month, then the revenue that was not reported in December would be reported in January, and overall revenues for this year would be materially correct. 2. On balance sheet it may be reflected as $10000 account payable and $10000 account receivable, or by recording the revenue that occurred and involved the service by the time. 3. If the cruise happens in 2007, its profit of

    Essay Length: 373 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 28, 2011 Autor: antoni
  • Adaptability Case

    Adaptability Case

    Rivalry among existing competitors takes the familiar form of fighting for position using tactics like price competition, product introduction, and advertising. In order to keep up and compete with the top food industries, George Weston is going through many changes to be the number one in the industry. G.W. recognization of the ever chaning market is key to their competitive advantage. George Weston have been strongly implementing changes internaly in the operation sector and "improvements

    Essay Length: 620 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: November 28, 2011 Autor: viki