Is Our Friendship Influenced by Discriminative Marketing Advertising?
Autor: cgiurgiu • February 20, 2012 • Research Paper • 1,170 Words (5 Pages) • 1,741 Views
Is our friendship influenced by discriminative marketing advertising?
Advertising is the most used promotional tool, part of the the marketing mix, that companies
use to improve brand image in order to gain distribution and create goodwill for the company.
Using creativity, advertisers try to bring together consumer goods or services and a representation
of the culturally constituted world, within the frame of a particular ad, which is in the end sending a
message. Through advertising you show to the public what you want to express, what you want
others to perceive. “You can tell the ideas of a nation by its advertisements”(Norman Douglas)
Usually, companies invest huge amounts of money in advertising or advertising campaigns
and sometimes face difficult situations, mainly because the properties desired for the ads do not
reside in the culture of that specific country/region. The message they send must be meaningful in
terms of experience of people, it must be appealing to the desires and ambitions of the targeted
audience and it should not offend sensitivity. But it should be also noted that body motions are
interpreted differently among cultures and countries legislations are different between them.
Nowadays, as we are living in a “fast forward era”, companies confront also to the fast spread of
bad or inappropriate advertising. Using internet, socializing networking sites like Facebook, Twitter,
My Space, blogs and websites, people interact much easier, they share opinions, criticize, make
suggestions, Friends get more easily connected in the virtual space, they share experiences and
become communicators of what they see, perceive or what they listen to. By living in an era of free
communication and unlimited access to information, people can influence others and get influenced
by others.
In different countries, some ads can be considered of not good taste, too direct, meaningless
or discriminative. People living there, because of the cultural background differences and social
influences, will translate the message of the ad in their own cognition. For instance, Koreans rely
more on word of mouth