Compare the Conflict Within Macbeth with the Conflict with in Animal Farm
Autor: peter • November 21, 2011 • Essay • 274 Words (2 Pages) • 3,739 Views
The texts ‘Macbeth' and ‘animal farm' both show conflict in the opening however ‘Macbeth' is written when King James I was in power and he had just translated the bible from Latin into English. This meant people in England were able to understand what was written in the bible. This is linked to conflict that is created in the opening because in the bible it states that witches are evil and anything evil is part of the devils creation and in Macbeth the witches open the scene when they make predictions about Macbeth's life. Evidence to support this is "fair is foul, and foul is fair! – Hover through the fog and filthy". Animal Farm shows conflict in the opening when old major makes a speech calling for a revolution, old major represents Lenin who called for a revolution against tasar Nicolas II in October 1917 in Russia. Both conflicts are about power and leadership. In Macbeth his ambitions and encouragement by Lady Macbeth leads him to seek power for his own gain. Evidence to 0sdpvuj'poSEFUJ9P0wegfiosjdv'aeujfp0sef0#et'p0sdfi'p0sdifp0ifdv0pdpsdpdpdpdpdpsupport this "Glamis, and thane of Cawdor! The greatest is behind." Whereas in animal farm old major want the animals to overthrown Jone's for a better future for all the animals. Evidence to support this is old major wants equality so one of the seven commandments is "all animals are equal". J'ISDFGJ'sdiojfo'pisj dfopujOPSD'ICF'PIO0ASZE'P DFOIK'POASDC I'OPDSVI#p0sdivpA9OSRUIG9Paos rui gpo ISE F'P 0U| Eaw f9o pisd' p[fi0 segf fff9' p0sd
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