Some People Get Into Debt by Buying Things They Don’t Need and Can’t Afford. What Are the Reasons for This Behavior?
Autor: chuihello • April 17, 2019 • Exam • 276 Words (2 Pages) • 741 Views
Topic: Some people get into debt by buying things they don’t need and can’t afford. What are the reasons for this behavior?
What action can be taken to prevent people from having this problem?
It is not uncommon that people like buying things they don’t need and can’t afford, even most of them are getting into debt. Causing these behavior, brand-name effect and peer influence are the main reasons. In order to tackle this problem, the government has the responsibilities to prevent this problem this from happening again.
The main cause is that people cannot tolerate the attractive from brand-name products, especially those advertised by well- known people. It is not difficult to see that the famous brand, such as LV, Chanel and Nike, are advertised by the celebrities. Many people may think that after they wear that products, they are as charm as the celebrities. Moreover, having bought the products, people may think that they can show off with their friends and attract people’s attention.
Peer influence is another reason why people buy things that they can’t afford or don’t need. With the advanced technology, people shows their products to social platforms, for instance, Facebook and Instagram. Ones people have seen the brand-name products that they want have been updated by their friends on social platforms. The others will follow their actions and buy the brand-name products. Thus, many people get into debt lastly.
To solve this problem, the government can have an advertisement about how to buy things wisely. They can also invite the celebrities to be an ambassador, transforming how buying things wisely is important in their lives. These action can prevent the citizens from blinding shopping again.