Part 1: Read “case Example 5” in Ch. 3 of the Human Services Internship. What Were the Professional Boundaries Involved in This Situation? How Would You Have Handled Them Differently?
Autor: cookie30 • October 16, 2016 • Essay • 400 Words (2 Pages) • 1,133 Views
Larry a helper at a group home was put in a bad situation because he didn’t follow his code of ethics. Larry has rules to follow and boundaries to abide by when it comes to his residents in the group home where he worked. We always must make a point what our boundaries are with our clients. We must never self-disclose information on ourselves unless maybe it could help a client in some way. It is okay to have healthy friendly connections with our clients but safe connections as well. We must protect ourselves and our clients. Having clear limits with clients is what is intended when being a helper. I think the boys who escaped to Larry’s home were looking at Larry as a “rescuer,” someone who would be okay with helping and listening to the boys anytime anywhere. Maybe the boys never did understand that they had to keep boundaries or maybe Larry never explained to the boys about professional boundaries. The sign of a boundary issue was when Larry chanted his place of resident and the number of his home. I think at that very moment the boys felt like Larry was also a good friend so what the heck, Larry wouldn’t care if they showed up on his front porch. I really didn’t think Larry would have thought that the boys ever would. I believe at that very moment as he opened that door he realized how serious it could be. As soon as the boys showed up at his home he should have called the group home and told staff that they were at his home. He shouldn’t have waited because all staff was worried and now the parents of the boys are in stress wondering what happed to the boys. I would have said sorry but I am calling the group home you have to go back this is very serious and it is braking boundaries. I would have drove them back after I alerted staff and if they fought me on it I would call staff to call the police or if they want to try to come get them. Hopefully the boys would go back willingly. Larry is most likely going to lose his job because he didn’t alert