Human Service Professional
Autor: papi1uno • September 12, 2012 • Essay • 343 Words (2 Pages) • 2,463 Views
(The goal) This means that human service professionals are committed to helping people develop the necessary skills to become self-sufficient and function at their optimal level within society
The chief goal of the human service professional is to support individuals as well as communities function at their maximum potential, overcoming personal and social barriers as effectively as possible in the major domains of living.
human service professionals have helped make great strides in reducing prejudice and discrimination related to one’s race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic level (SES), or any one of a number of characterizations that might marginalize someone within society.
the helping of people meet their basic physical and emotional needs that for whatever reason cannot be met without outside assistance.
Page 11-13 notes
Page 15 generalist (need more info for this topic)
Page 14 theoretical frame work
Page 177 intervention
Page 182 history
When considering all the various theories of human behavior, it is essential to remember
that culture and history affect what is considered healthy thinking and behavior.
1975 Child Support Enforcement program was established
The Cabinet-level Department of Health, Education and Welfare was created under President Eisenhower, officially coming into existence April 11, 1953. In 1979, the Department of Education Organization Act was signed into law, providing for a separate Department of Education. HEW became the Department of Health and Human Services, officially arriving