Organizational Behaviour Globe Subject
Autor: virat5054 • September 7, 2017 • Lab Report • 712 Words (3 Pages) • 973 Views
Based on our interactions with 55 pupils in the campus (15 PGPX with work ex >5 years; 30 PGPs with 2-4 years’ work ex & rest 10 PGPs with 6 months – 2 years’ work ex) ; we have found that parameters for performance appraisals are aspects like productivity, quality of work, duration of service and training. In case of manufacturing Productivity is mostly measured i.e. the number of units manufactured or delivered by the employee. In case of quality of work, the precision of the work done is taken into consideration. Similarly, duration of services is used as a criterion by Government entities, where they assume the longest serving employee to be the deserved one for an appraisal.
We asked certain questions during the interactions such as:
1. What were the parameters that generally taken into account for appraisal in your company?
2. Did/Does your company (employer) use Bell Curve for performance appraisal?
3. If Yes, Did you find it helpful?
4. If No, What was the appraisal method? And how it is different from Bell curve from your point of view?
We found the approx. 40% (22 cases) companies used/use Bell curve for employee evaluation. 41% of these Respondents find Bell Curve as ‘Obvious’ choice and should be put in place.
Rest 60% (33 cases) responses vary because of industry difference and culture. We have categories the responses as follows:
1. Assessment Centre Method: Mostly used in Tech start-ups and E-Commerce start-ups while hiring employees at senior level. According to them, It is a good parameter for evaluation since it measures person’s ability to interact with subordinates and colleagues by testing the candidate in the social situation. It helps employers to assess the capability & the capacity of the individual in social settings. It mainly involves situational exercises such as role-playing incident, games related to business and many other similar exercises. It gives the employer an insight into the personality of the employee like openness, tolerance, introversion/extroversion, acceptability, etc.