Personal Learning Paper - Organisational Behaviour
Autor: Tarannum Soni • October 30, 2017 • Term Paper • 1,105 Words (5 Pages) • 943 Views
Personal Learning Paper #2
The personal learning paper - 2 must depict your own reflections based on the following topics.
1. Perception
2. Attitude
3. Motivation
4. Inspiration
Our thinking and our behaviour merely depends on how we perceive the people around, the environment we live and various experiences we have. We can have a wide range of experiences, some are good and some are bad. Some tend to teach us a lot. There have been a lot of experiences in Great Lakes itself that have influenced my old perceptions and formed new ones. I have moved out of my house for the first time, so I am being bombarded with a lot of new situations and how different people react in different manners to it. Before joining Great Lakes, I had a perception that all people I will be meeting from South India will be reserved, hesitant to talk and introverted. This was the perception I already had because of my previous interactions with similar people that formed my perception. But this perception was changed when I came here. I met people who were extroverted, easy to talk to and conversation initiators. We need to be careful of socially perceiving people and not judging or stereotyping them. This partially what I ended up doing. Thanks to the outbound program we had, and the ice breaking sessions I was able meet and interact with people who broke my set perceptions about them. Perception cannot be right or wrong, it is just different for different people. We just need to be careful of profiling people, or letting the Halo and Horn effect hamper are perception process. Since we all aspire to become managers in the future, it is necessary that we must know how to manage the perceptions and take right decisions about people.
How we evaluate the people, the places and the things around us will be the attitude. It can have broad three aspects. I had The Affective aspect which has the feeling or the emotional quotient attached to it. There is the behavioural aspect that has the intention to behave towards a particular person or a thing. Then there is the Cognitive aspect that is the opinion/ belief segment quotient. How we react to different things is on the basis of our attitude. For example I might face a situation, where a friend was making selections for core committee of the people handling the fest in my graduation. She didn’t select me and could react in three different ways according to the three different aspects mentioned above. In affective aspect I could say that she isn’t a good friend because she didn’t select me. In behavioural aspect I could say that it’s alright, I could apply for some other committee. In cognitive aspect I could say that she was fair in her decision and would have appropriate reasons to do so. I shouldn’t let her duty mix up with the bond I share with her.