A Paper on Clean Coal Technology
Autor: Abhinay Reddy • January 28, 2017 • Research Paper • 3,671 Words (15 Pages) • 1,018 Views
Submitted by:
C. Tharun Reddy B.Abhinay Reddy
II B.Tech., (ME) II B.Tech., (ME) Email ID: Email ID: tharunr36@gmail.com abhinaylivesforever@gmail.com
Ph. No: 9490121498 Ph. No: 8500776267
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Burning coal, such as for power generation, gives rise to a variety of wastes which must be controlled or at least accounted for. Clean Coal Technologies (CCTs) are those which facilitate the use of coal in an environmentally satisfactory and economically viable way. Among other aspects, they meet various regulations covering emissions, effluents, and residues. In some situations, CCTs offer the possibility of satisfying even more stringent standards, at an acceptable cost. A basic approach to the cleaner use of coal is to reduce emissions b reducing the formation of pollutants such as NOX and/or cleaning the flue gases after combustion. A parallel approach is to develop more thermally efficient systems so that less coal is used to generate the same amount of power, together with improved techniques for flue gas cleaning, for effluent treatment and for residues use or disposal... Coal cleaning by ‘washing’ has been standard practice in developed countries or some time. It reduces emissions of ash and SO2when the coal is burned gasification, including underground gasification in situ, uses steam and oxygen to turn the coal into Carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Sequestration refers to disposal of liquid carbon dioxide, once captured, into deep geological strata utilization as clay.
Alternative in cement raw material is composed of lime stone, clay, silica, and silver oxide, with clay accounting for 15% of total composition. Coal ash containing silica (SiO2) and alumina (Al2O3) is also used as an alternative to such clay. But it contains less SiO2 and more Al2O3 than clay to require more silica as a source of SiO2 which becomes short if coal ash is used in large quantities, there by limiting the substitutability of coal ash for clay. Electrostatic precipitators and fabric filters can remove 99% of the fly ash from the flue gases - these technologies are in widespread use. Flue gas desulphurization reduces the output of sulfur dioxide to the atmosphere by up to 97%, the task depending on the level of sulfur in the coal and the extent of the reduction.