Bsa 375 - Service Request Sr-Rm-022 Part 1
Autor: Andrew Theroux • January 18, 2016 • Research Paper • 666 Words (3 Pages) • 1,052 Views
Service Request SR-rm-022, Part 1
Andrew Theroux
March 16, 2015
Joseph Langdon
Service Request SR-rm-022, Part 1
Hugh McCauley, the COO of Riordan Manufacturing, has requested to have the already existing variety of Human Resource tools into one single integrated application. Riordan Manufacturing is looking to move forward with more state-of-the-art technology in their Human Resources department. (McCauley, 2004).
This document will provide the information-gathering techniques as well as the systems analysis tools that are to be used to complete the project. Key factors to help make sure the information required to complete the application is gathered effectively will be identified and a well detailed project plan will be created. This project plan will provide a list of all tasks, resources, schedule, and budget required to complete the project.
Information-Gathering Techniques and Systems Analysis Tools
The first and most important step when developing this type of project is the gather information from a wide-array of sources to ensure the final application performs efficiently to its desired specifications. In order to begin with this process I will need to meet with key management personnel, human resource employees, IT staff members, and the users to talk about the project in a Joint Application Development (JAD) session. During this session I will be asking and answering questions, while also taking feedback and ideas from the other members of the meeting. I will be keeping this open dialog with the members throughout the duration of the project. This will allow me to be able to better understand what Riordan Manufacturing needs to improve the quality of the final application. I will also be interviewing certain individuals to gain an understanding of what the company is currently using and what works or does not work about it. This will allow me to improve upon the functions of what already exists for the Riordan’s human resource department. Once all of this information is collected, documented, and reviewed, the design of the system will begin.
The design method that I will be using for Riordan Manufacturing’s new human resource application will be Joint Application Development (JAD). The JAD is a process that accelerates the design of information technology solutions. (Rottmann, 2006) By using client involvement and group dynamics we will be able to get a clear picture on Riordan’s need and jointly develop the solution. Through the JAD sessions the members and the IT specialists will be able to resolve any difficulties and differences between the parties regarding the new HR application. The session will follow a detailed agenda that will ensure that all parties’ needs are met to the fullest capabilities with a minimal amount of miscommunication. All participants in the JAD session will be allowed to voice any concerns or requests to guarantee that the new application will be able to accomplish its goal of improving the process of the company.