Boiling Point
Autor: andrey • September 21, 2011 • Essay • 472 Words (2 Pages) • 1,515 Views
The documentary discussed the possibility of water issues being the cause for riots and wars in the Angola, Namibia, and Botswana region. We as over look the good things in our life, luckily we live in a region where we never have to worry about water, electricity, and other life necessity. Whenever we waste a drop of water we should consider those people who would die of thirst. Who don't earn enough to feed family or afford sanitary and clean living for their children, where people are dying from diarrhea, cholera, and typhoid just because they have no access to clean healthy water? The documentary showed an over view of three different regions where the water issue is a major concern to the public.
Comprising over 70% of the Earth's surface, water is undoubtedly the most precious natural resource that exists on our planet. It is essential for everything on our planet to grow and prosper. Although we as humans recognize this fact, we disregard it by polluting our rivers, lakes, and oceans. Subsequently, we are slowly but surely harming our planet to the point where organisms are dying at a very alarming rate. In addition to innocent organisms dying off, our drinking water has become greatly affected as is our ability to use water for recreational purposes. In order to combat water pollution, we must understand the problems and become part of the solution. Fishes are disappearing, it is hard for all the fisher men to survive, farmers to grow crops. In other words we ourselves are becoming a threat to our own world.
According to BBC, "The division of the former British mandate of Palestine and the creation of the state of Israel in the years after the end of World War II have been at the heart of Middle Eastern conflicts for the past half century. The creation of Israel was the culmination of the Zionist movement, whose aim was a homeland for Jews scattered all over the world following the Diaspora. After the Nazi