Recruiting Strategies
Autor: kbascle • December 22, 2013 • Research Paper • 1,397 Words (6 Pages) • 1,528 Views
Recruiting and retaining quality employees have become issues in companies in the United States. Discovering the correct approach at attracting the right employees can be difficult for some companies. Marketing strategies and a thorough interview process can help in hiring the right person for the position. Many companies make common mistakes when recruiting resulting in the hiring of unqualified candidates.
Re-recruiting is a strategy used to retain top performers within a company. This can be accomplished through communication with employees, opportunities within the company, and incentives for top performers. Every employee needs to be trained correctly from the beginning and throughout their employment to ensure that the job is being done correctly. Companies need to follow basic outlines within their task of hiring and keeping employees. There are specific strategies and practices they can follow to ensure their employees’ success.
Marketing strategies plays a major role when recruiting candidates for a position. There are multiple ways to post a new position including: career websites, want ads, and the company website itself. It is always a good idea to be constantly recruiting as you never know what you may find. Most people looking for jobs are middle aged employed in current jobs they are unhappy with (Kleiman). Since most applicants will be employed, they will be job searching at hours other than normal nine to five business hours. Companies need to provide candidates with multiple ways to apply and reach the company since most candidates are still working (Kleiman). As Mel Kleiman said, “To recruit the best, employers have to make recruiting a 24/7 activity”, (Kleiman). Once the candidates have been selected for interviews more work must be done to find the right person.
Scott Dalgeish, COO of Spectra Logic Corporation, has done some personal research on the interviewing process itself. According to Dalgeish, interviews on perspective employees should be very thorough (Dalgeish, 2005). Candidates can quite simply over exaggerate their resumes to make them seem like a better fit for the position (Dalgeish, 2005). The interview process itself should be well thought out and prepared in advance. It is an excellent idea to have questions pertaining to the position. This will help the employer in seeing who has the knowledge for the position. Another problem seems to be that recent college graduates are easily forgetting what they have learned in school. Dalgeish is quoted saying, "I've been told that a thorough interview process has about 50% correlation to that person doing a good job once they are onboard" (Dalgeish, 2005). Many companies perform assessments to determine if a candidate is right for the position. According to an article on the Entrepreneur website states, "Research shows that an IQ assessment doesn’t predict job success nearly as accurately