Destruction in Entertainment
Autor: BeeCee • December 19, 2011 • Essay • 397 Words (2 Pages) • 2,879 Views
In today’s society it may seem that media is not only a provider of entertainment but also a source of education, but in reality it may actually be corroding the human mind by providing viewers false realities and understanding of the world around them. In Neal Gabler’s book, Life the Movie: How Entertainment Conquered Reality, he states that entertainment has the capacity to ruin society. Gabler’s statement holds true, the reason being in today’s culture a majority of people base their morals and virtues on what they see, read and hear in our various media outlets.
Many might argue that technology is a great media extension that millions of people frequently use in their everyday lives. Television is one of the most commonly used technologies of all. In today’s world millions of people have at least one television set in their home. Although it may seem like a great device to own, it has its set disadvantages. Television can negatively affect people, particularity children. Various studies and surveys have proven how television can have substantial negative effects on our youth. By being exposed to tasteless and vulgar media, adolescents may become involved in negative activities and habits they see on television. Television was once a great and delightful source of entertainment, now it has become a menace to our generation’s youth by exposing them to violence, drugs and sex.
In today’s world many adolescents feel the need to conform to the mold our society presents them. Teen magazines have an extremely high impact on the mindset of the teens. Our youth tend to be fascinated by the information that is provided on the latest pop stars and models. Teen magazines have evolved over time to conform to the growing curiosity of the youth. Originally these magazines discussed the favorite color or the favorite apparel of a celebrity, but now they publish relationship facts, make-up tips and hair tips to tempt teens into trying to