Interview Case
Autor: ykim0156 • November 19, 2012 • Essay • 368 Words (2 Pages) • 1,278 Views
It may be recognized as the number one frozen yogurt business now, but before he opened this franchise he faced many obstacles as well. “There are many steps you have to take in order to open a business,” says Paek. According to Paek, the first step is figuring out the type of business you are going to open. In today’s economy there are infinite amounts of goods to sell, from clothes to cardboard boxes. In Paek’s position he noticed that there are many restaurants as well as fast food places in Columbia and wanted to avoid competition. After this observation his range of choices turned dramatically smaller and ultimately thought of a business that would target both male and females of all age types. The next important step he mentioned was location. “The location of your future business would most likely be the most important thing in opening a business,” advised Mr. Paek and I would ultimately agree. No matter how good of quality the product or produce you are going to sell is, it will not matter if there is no surrounding population. Therefore, the population surrounding the business determines the productivity. Paek also added “once you found the perfect location, you’re already halfway there.” Due to his observation of Columbia, Maryland lacking businesses that target people of all ages and genders including babies and toddlers, his choice of location was definitely a success. All in all running his own business was harder than what he thought it would have been. With unexpected situation being thrown at you, “you always have to be prepared for the if’s to happen.” While concluding my interview I asked him for advice to myself, as a junior in college what sorts of internships or volunteer works should I do to prepare myself? He told me to choose a major that I would be able to make a profit with, he also mentioned that “school and reality are two different worlds,” and I should do as much volunteer and internships as possible. He