Cyber Crime Case
Autor: Chinthamchetty Abinav • March 23, 2015 • Research Paper • 4,779 Words (20 Pages) • 1,268 Views
In 2015, at least 3 billion people equivalent to more than one third of the world’s total population have access to the internet. Over 60 percent of all internet users are below 25 years. By the year 2017, it is estimated that mobile broadband subscriptions will approach 70 percent of the world’s total population. By the year 2020, the number of networked devices will outnumber people by six to one thus transforming current conceptions of the internet.
The definition of cybercrime mostly depends upon the purpose of using the term. A limited number of acts against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data or systems represent the core of cybercrime. The word ‘cybercrime’ itself is not limited to a single definition, and is likely best considered as a collection of acts or conduct, rather than one single act.
Today, criminals that indulge in cyber crimes are not driven by ego or expertise. Instead, they want to use their knowledge to gain benefits quickly. They are using their expertise to steal, deceive and exploit people as they find it easy to earn money without having to do an honest day’s work. Cyber crimes have become a real threat today and are quite different from old-school crimes, such as robbing, mugging or stealing. Unlike these crimes, cyber crimes can be committed single handedly and does not require the physical presence of the criminals. The crimes can be committed from a remote location and the criminals need not worry about the law enforcement agencies in the country where they are committing crimes. The same systems that have made it easier for people to conduct e-commerce and online transactions are now being exploited by cyber criminals.
Wherever the rate of return on investment is high and the risk is low, you are bound to find people willing to take advantage of the situation. This is exactly what happens in cyber crime. Accessing sensitive information and data and using it means a rich harvest of returns and catching such criminals is difficult. Hence it leads to a rise in cyber crime across the world.
Cyber crimes are broadly categorized into three categories. Each category can use a variety of methods and the methods used vary from one criminal to another.
Individual: This type of cyber crime can be in the form of cyber stalking, distributing pornography, trafficking and grooming. Today, law enforcement agencies are taking this category of cyber crime very seriously and are joining forces internationally to reach and arrest the perpetrators.
Property: Just like in the real world where a criminal can steal and rob, even in the cyber world criminals resort to stealing and robbing. In this case, they can steal a person’s bank details and take off money; misuse the credit card to make numerous purchases online; run a