The Big Five Project Personality Test
Autor: Santiago Valencia • September 25, 2018 • Essay • 1,285 Words (6 Pages) • 930 Views
Individual Behavior Assignment
Santiago Calderon Valencia
A&M Commerce University
September 16th, 2018
The Big Five Project Personality Test
Since the day I moved to the United States of America, I put myself in a place where I have the necessity to understand what is the best way to apply my characteristics, and at the same time make the adaptations process easier and smother. For example, here in this country teamwork is more enriching because we have the opportunity to learn from people that are totally different (religion, age, language, skin color, country, etc.). I am from Colombia a country with a different reality. All the information that I can get from persons that have a different point of view is helping me to grow. I have to be open-minded to be able to work with others whose primary language is not my primary language. Not always everybody is going to agree, yet people can try to find a solution putting all the standpoints on the table. Before understanding everyone around me, I have to examine myself and get a better understanding of what is my personality type and see if my current occupation fits me. I am still learning how to comprehend myself based on my personality traits. I have learned and reaffirmed some aspects about me with “The Big Five Project Personality Test”. After answering some questions, I have had the opportunity to measure five aspects such as open-mindedness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and negative emotionality.
People tend to surround themselves within the environment where they are able to fully express themselves that is in congruence with their skills, abilities, and personalities (Holland as cited in Arora & Rangnekar, 2016). I believe this affirmation is true. Currently, I am working for a company that’s is called Pomona Distributors LLC, and what I am doing there is taking care of the Sales and Operations departments. It sounds like a lot, but it is a small company, with around 10 employees. Currently, I am looking for people to join my sales team. Although our sales profile is already set, I am contemplating other traits. According to The Big Five Project Personality Test, I am sociable, friendly, and talkative on the Extraversion trait, 97 percentile, and I want people with the same characteristics to build a great team. According to Connolly and Viswesvaran, It would be clear to assume that extroverts have higher job satisfaction levels than introverts because of the influence of positive thoughts that acts as a stimulant which helps increase their performance (as cited in Therasa & Vijayabanu, 2015). The extraversion trait is giving me another tool to select future employees. It is important to have people that like, and if possible love, what they do. Extraversion represents the individuals who are high in positive emotions, excitement seeking. Extroverts are more prone to positive emotions and they will be strong in developing an interpersonal relationship with others (Therasa & Vijayabanu, 2015). This really applies to my work and results in a good fit Job-Personality. Since I have to be in contact with customers and employees, it is important for me to transmit a positive message, and make people trust me.